I have a few easy questions about game development. (noob)

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9 comments, last by Satharis 11 years, 4 months ago

Use the tool that fits the problem, of course there is a caveat to this, there often is more than one tool for a job and you have to decide which fits best.

C++ for example, I really HIGHLY recommend not to use C++ or to bother with it unless you find that you really need it, C++ has few practical applications in comparison to other more modernly designed languages, and frankly the only time people should really be using it anymore is when they -know- that they -absolutely- -need- the performance gain that can be brought from it. Games are one of the few places where high performance in say an AAA game would warrant using the language over others. Other languages like C# or even Java just have much more modern learning resources available and teach you much better practices, not to mention being more usable.

To put it simply, C++ can do anything that most other languages can, it just takes -way- more effort, and the only thing you get out of it is the possibility of better code. Your code can flat out run -worse- if you don't do it right. So unless you have good reason to migrate to C++ or to use it fulltime I would seriously consider it like a bazooka or something, you don't whip it out to go rabbit hunting or to learn how to aim, you use it when you really cannot get through that brick wall with anything else.

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