JRPG Dialouge/Chat System...

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12 comments, last by Khatharr 11 years, 4 months ago
Scripting should be very user-friendly. That's its purpose. smile.png

It should make content creation a lot easier on you if you go that route. The hard work is in implementing/embedding the interpreter, but once that's done you should be able to create/modify content pretty painlessly.
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Here's how I store conversations a little Javascript RPG I was working on. It gets the job done, but it doesn't address your triggers issue:

    'start': {
        'text': "Hello! How are you today?",		
        'responses': [
            { 'text': 'Awesome!', 'next': 'great' },
            { 'text': 'None of your business!', 'next': 'rude' }
    'great': {
        'text': 'That's great! I'll be going now!', 'next': 'end' }
    'rude': {
        'text': 'I was just trying to be friendly. No reason to be a douche about it.',
        'next': 'end',
        'callback': function (conversation, self, other) { 
            self.updateHostility(other, hostility.HOSTILE);

Each conversation has a 'start' screen, which is the first dialog screen that will be displayed. Each screen has a set of possible responses, with each response indicating the 'next' screen when that response is selected. Additionally each screen has an optional callback that is invoked when the screen is shown. You may not have the ability to integrate scripts within your dialog definitions, but you could accomplish similar functionality without them:

'signal': 'set hostility hostile',
Scripting should be very user-friendly. That's its purpose. smile.png

It should make content creation a lot easier on you if you go that route. The hard work is in implementing/embedding the interpreter, but once that's done you should be able to create/modify content pretty painlessly.

Ah you are mistaking me when i say "scripting".... i mean C# unity scripts.... not a script like the above post just mentioned.

i just laid out the framework a couple nights ago, before i start laying out the scenes that are going to make up my demo, i need to do my battle system in case i need to make changes to the overall data structures. I won't know how i feel about the dialouge system until i start scripting dialouge in a week or so.

And yes, i suspect having some sort of arbitrary format would be nice for quick edits and quick finds and all around reader friendliness, but visual studio is a pretty nice tool and has search and replace so its not THAT bad, just not very elegant and custom :).



Ah, I hear ya. I'm interested to see how it turns out. :)
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

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