Making Diablo 2 style rpg

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7 comments, last by Daaark 11 years, 4 months ago


Ive studied Computer Science and was done with it for about a year ago.

Im currently very interested in game programming and have bought some books and read some on internet.

I realy like C#, and I think XNA framework suits me good, since i only / for now, want to make game for windows.

And so to the topic title :)

2 friends of mine and I want to learn more about game programming, i know making Diablo 2 took like 40 people 3 years to make.
But is it possible to make something like it in smaller scale. Or is that more or less impossible for a team of 3 people?

I know it will take us a couple of years to be good enough in C# and then some years to handle C# and XNA.

Where can we begin? and how do we learn to program games as Diablo 2?

Thanks for all replies!

Best Regards

Thomas Wiborg

//Thomas Wiborg



Yes it is entirely possible to make on something like it on a smaller scale. Like other projects it really just comes down to how dedicated you are to achieving your goals.

I took a course last semester which was aimed at teaching students new to programming how to program via games using C# and XNA. There was some pretty awesome projects coming from students I know only had a previous semester of programming. From your post you said you had studied CS before so I am making an assumption you know at least the basics of programming.

Most programming languages are very similar so switching between them is actually quite easy. If, for instance, you already know Java you can pick up C# in a few days more or less. I know students who were able to pick up the differences in a week without much practice outside the classroom.

For a base to build your game off of I would do something of the following:

  1. Make a grid of 2D tiles which are (for example) 64x32 pixels. This makes the tile twice as wide as it is tall. See:
  2. Once you have a grid add in a simple character sprite.
  3. With the character sprite get him to walk around the grid of 2D tiles using the mouse

Once you have that done I think you would have a really good idea on how to continue with the game from there perhaps by adding in sprite sheets for animation tiles/characters. smile.png

I suggest taking a look at since it is one of the best open source 2D games similar to Diablo I know of. It should be informative to see how they handled their artwork for the characters/animations.

If my post didn't answer any of your questions or you need more information I apologize and can reply as necessary.

Good Luck! happy.png

Thanks alot for that great info. That was just what i was looking for :-) And yes i have good experience in java, C# and C++ from my education. Currently i like C# alot. So ill stick with it for now ;-)

//Thomas Wiborg

Once you have that done I think you would have a really good idea on how to continue with the game from there perhaps by adding in sprite sheets for animation tiles/characters. smile.png

I suggest taking a look at since it is one of the best open source 2D games similar to Diablo I know of. It should be informative to see how they handled their artwork for the characters/animations.

While its not the style of game I'm working on, there were some great ideas in that engine...thanks for pointing it out. Just realized I should have been looking at many open source engines to educate myself instead of just looking for specific things...

But does anybody know where I could learn to program games similar to Diablo? Or where i could start to learn such programming?

Cause i cannot program 2D tiles, add sprites and make a character walk in a grid og 2D tiles etc :) I need to start from scratch. I know the basic C# programming, but not game programming.

For a base to build your game off of I would do something of the following:

  1. Make a grid of 2D tiles which are (for example) 64x32 pixels. This makes the tile twice as wide as it is tall. See:
  2. Once you have a grid add in a simple character sprite.
  3. With the character sprite get him to walk around the grid of 2D tiles using the mouse

//Thomas Wiborg

There isn't a "quick" route unfortunately. You'll need to start with something a bit simpler than Diablo, maybe "pong" would be better.

You really need to start from the very beginning, you can't skip the fundamentals of programming (games or anything else).

Having said that, Diablo (etc) don't really use a lot of complicated code, most of the effort of the game was probably in building the resources (graphics and other content) and putting it together.

But does anybody know where I could learn to program games similar to Diablo? Or where i could start to learn such programming?

Cause i cannot program 2D tiles, add sprites and make a character walk in a grid og 2D tiles etc smile.png I need to start from scratch. I know the basic C# programming, but not game programming.[/quote]

One important thing that helped me, an epiphany of sorts is that once you wrap your ahead around the concept that everything is abstract, then you can do anything.

I know it's over used but there really is no spoon.

There is no sword. There is no ship. There are no engines and there are no shields.

There are drawing graphics, variables, x, y coords, screen, input, output, checking for collisions and the consequences or results or action for the program to take in the event of a collision.

For example my ship has an "engine". It can be damaged, if it gets damaged, my ship cannot fly as fast. Remember there is no engine. Only a variable called engine. I could call the variable lightswitch if I wanted too and still have it affect how fast the ship flew.

your game is up and running, you are flying around your ship. An enemy comes and shoots a projectile, it hits your ship.

Abstract version: your game is running, a graphic in the shape of a space ship is being drawn around the screen based on the input from you, left right, up down. Another graphic comes along being draw, controlled by AI routines, and a projectile graphic suddenly is created at the enemy ship, it is drawn across the screen until its near you, in your game it 'explodes'. In abstract one graphic touched another graphic. You have a collision.

pseudo code

If projectile Image, collide with space ship image

stop drawing the projectile (delete the object, OOP)

draw explosion @ x,y coordinates of the collision

update the explosion, ( if its based on frames, a sprite)

if explosion complete (all the frames were drawn)

stop drawing the frames ( so you dont see a continuous explosion graphic)


your_ship_engines = your_ship_engines - damage(damage from the projetile)

end if

Now imagine how fast you can go if you speed is based on the variable 'your_ship_engines'

the less value it has like say its 50/100 obviously you will fly slower. So your engines are damaged, and the effect of a damaged engine is 'simulated'

lets say speed = speed * your_ship_engines

and let's say your ship engines starts with a value of 1.0

if speed was 100, you can go at full speed because the engines have not been 'damaged' no value has been subtracted from them.

but if you subtracted a value of 0.5 (the damage from the projectile) then the variable 'your_ship_engines' = 0.5

remember speed = speed * your_ship_engines (which is now 0.5) which means your speed is only half the speed you were capable of before.

I hope this doesn't get confusing, it's extremely layman terms, I am just trying to show you it's all what you know just with graphics. What happens on screen must be drawn, it must be updated, either based on input or something else. If you just want to make a 2d game I'd suggest using a system built for 2d games. Blitzmax or monkey, you don't need UNITY.

blitzmax is a BASIC programming language, but it's powerful and fast because it was written with C modules. It uses precompiled C modules. It can use OPENGL, directx, supports scripting, so your application can be cross platform from the beginning. Systems like these are designed to make your life making the game easier. For example for drawing that sprite you say you do not know how to draw? Command in blitzmax is drawImage(image, x,y,) . Where image is the image you are drawing, (pre-specified by you), x and y are the coordinates on screen. Because blitz renders 2d with hardware, its extremely fast, rotations are done real time etc, no need for frames etc. Blitzmax also has well developed 3d modules for it.

You can use any system which you feel is best and suits your need. Maybe Python with PYGAME. Haven't looked at python in a while so I don't know what other stuff is out there for it.

You could look at XNA , that seems pretty good and popular. I just stick with blitzmax because it is fast enough, powerful enough, cross platform, has dozens of thirdy party modules and libraries written for it and it's a BASIC language. My interest in other languages/systems is merely academical because I won't use them for much, but I still like to read/learn about them and try stuff with them.

first of all pick an engine. Unity is a good choice, very popular lately. I started with Irrlicht, then moved to Ogre. Took me a year to make a Diablo like prototype from scratch, then a couple of years more to add items, dialogs, etc and make it playable (I was working alone in my free time). Google and the forums are your friends.

My reply in the deleted duplicate of this thread got nuked? :/

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