(read the whole post!) Any Christians willing to answer a few questions for a story?

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4 comments, last by ShadowValence 11 years, 3 months ago

I'd like to ask some questions about belief and the interpretation of the scripture in the context of extraordinary circumstances.

This is for a character in story I'm working on (not game related), so it's pretty targeted and has to do with moral questions/dilemmas related to one man's desire to stay true to the word of the Bible and how occasion can twist and strain that relationship - or even break it. Why am I asking this on a game development forum? A fair question. One needs to start somewhere, I suppose. Besides, I'm not looking for any sort of bias or fanatism, but rather what a perfectly regular Joe who happens to be a Christian would do. For reference - my character is a detective turned religious after a particular event.

I do not intend to start a potential flame war by making this public, so please let me know (either via PM or below) if it's okay to send you a few questions in private. Please do note:

- these questions will be somewhat personal (as in - I will be asking for your personal views)

- I'll ask you to play a small roleplaying game in your head and surmise what you would do in a situation that aims to question the validity of your actions (that's the crux of the character's dilemma)

- I'd like you to be or to have been an active Christian with real knowledge of the scripture; any personal views are welcome and will in no way be judged; I may, however, reinterpret your thoughts somewhat to better fit the story

- depending on you, some of the questions may seem offensive in that they may question the validity of Christianity (or any belief system for that matter) on the whole or the validity of your beliefs (depending on how you look at them). The focus on Christianity is only relevant because my character is Christian

- no matter what or how you reply, you will remain forever anonymous - even if I should end up using what you write directly

I should probably mention that I'm agnostic (or rather have non-conforming views on the issue - which is incidentally why I'm looking for better informed thoughts).


Just... +1 for maturely thinking this through and your respect and decency. Sending PM...

[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

Sent a PM.

Just to clarify - due to the nature of the inquiry I'm sending everyone an identical first copy (hopefully no one is offended by this apparent laziness :) ). Any follow-ups will, of course, be personal!

You can question me
I'm in, email sent.

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