Tactical RPG Map Editor

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-1 comments, last by BryanCroteau 11 years, 3 months ago

Apparently there is a forum on gamedev where you can spam and it's OK! Who knew?

Announcing.... TacticsEditor! I've been working on this simple WPF/C#/AvalonDock tool for about 5 months part time, mostly on weekends. It supports multi-level undo, and it behaves rather well when you try to be sneaky and remove the flash drive you saved a project in....

Anyways, here is a video that should demonstrate what it can do. It's actually inspired by the old TimeSplitters 2 mapmaker, but for Fire Emblem-style tactical RPGs. If there is anyone on these forums that likes Fire Emblem AND TimeSplitters 2, then he or she should be able to understand my reasoning behind working on this project. I hope to promote the idea while at the same time submitting it to the community at large for critique.


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