Will it be plausible to use GTX 480 for Opengl stereo-3d program?

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6 comments, last by superwave 11 years, 2 months ago

I only have Quadro 4500 which I think cannot support stereo-3d display.

Also, there is a GTX 480 in hand. Although this GPU support stereo-3d display, it doesn't support Opengl 3d programming. We are thinking about using some methods like this one to enable the opengl stereoscopic 3d programming.


There's a stereoscopic 3D example on the NVIDIA developer website. Try running that and see what happens. http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/9.5/Samples/samples.html#StereoAPI

I don't know if stereoscopic 3D still has to be enabled by driver specific flags (I once accidentally enabled stereo 3D for OpenGL games by mistake back in 2004-05). This is a subject I know little about but wish to implement using vendor independent methods using the right vertex and fragment program algorithms.

Also, I found this article (not sure if it helps or not): https://developer.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/akamai/gamedev/files/sdk/11/3DV%20-%20BestPracticesGuide.pdf


Shogun, really appreciate you help!

My pleasure. Stereo 3D can be a complex topic and does not get discussed very often.

I've been trying to search more on stereoscopic 3D for OpenGL because I am also interested in this, but it's primarily a Direct3D feature which is often vendor specific. I only find Direct3D based articles but for OpenGL, it appears the only way to have hardware level support is to use the NVIDIA Quadro series cards (one of these). Aside from that, I did find a project that aims to emulate the OpenGL QuadBuffer functionality. It's written for Linux so you'll have to port it manually for Windows. I use MacOSX, personally.

Click: https://github.com/magestik/glQuadBufferEmu

Hopefully this helps a bit more!


My pleasure. Stereo 3D can be a complex topic and does not get discussed very often.

I've been trying to search more on stereoscopic 3D for OpenGL because I am also interested in this, but it's primarily a Direct3D feature which is often vendor specific. I only find Direct3D based articles but for OpenGL, it appears the only way to have hardware level support is to use the NVIDIA Quadro series cards (one of these). Aside from that, I did find a project that aims to emulate the OpenGL QuadBuffer functionality. It's written for Linux so you'll have to port it manually for Windows. I use MacOSX, personally.

Click: https://github.com/magestik/glQuadBufferEmu

Hopefully this helps a bit more!



There is another one: https://github.com/bobsomers/3dvgl

thanks again

Hi, Shogun,

I tried to import the header files and .c files into vs2010 and compile the .dll files, however, failed...

Could you please give me some clues about how to use glQuadBufferEmu in windows7?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, Shogun,

I tried to import the header files and .c files into vs2010 and compile the .dll files, however, failed...

Could you please give me some clues about how to use glQuadBufferEmu in windows7?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the slow response, my regular job is making me work nights \/_\/

Keep in mind that glQuadBufferEmu was written for Linux and X11, so it won't complile for Windows so easily. I haven't yet had a chance to try compiling for MacOSX (which also supports X11). In the mean time, it will have to be ported to work for Windows.


Hi, Shogun,

I tried to import the header files and .c files into vs2010 and compile the .dll files, however, failed...

Could you please give me some clues about how to use glQuadBufferEmu in windows7?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the slow response, my regular job is making me work nights \/_\/

Keep in mind that glQuadBufferEmu was written for Linux and X11, so it won't complile for Windows so easily. I haven't yet had a chance to try compiling for MacOSX (which also supports X11). In the mean time, it will have to be ported to work for Windows.


Thank you so much. I was so busy these days. Maybe I have to buy a quatro.

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