Work out the view matrix for direct3d off max

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15 comments, last by lucky6969b 11 years, 2 months ago

So I want to express your ideas in my own terms for my own reference.

I need to rotate the mesh in max with an angle of positive 90 degrees in the X-axis.

Then at load time, depending on whether I use OpenGL or DirectX, I rotate the mesh -180 degrees in the Z-axis, and if I use DirectX in this case

The cameras can stay fine, no need to be changed in the scene. Then the output of rendering in my application will be the same as the scene I see in max.

I should check the left-coordinate system check box in pandasoft. I can set a mesh to a location such as D3DXVECTOR3(10,10,0) and it sits on the ground level. Please let me know if there is anything missing.

Thanks seabolt, you have been great help



That sounds good!

Good luck!

Perception is when one imagination clashes with another

ehhhh! the meshes are rendered correcly, my very last problem being is that the z-axis is still pointing up.

My apologizes, I have skipped the rotation of Z axis at load time, rather, I did a 90 degrees flip in the X and -180 degrees in Z.

It looks really strange in the viewport in 3ds max. But I don't really mind. But I am not accustomed to Z-axis pointing up.




Yeah the company I work for also has z-up coordinate systems. it drives me insane when I have to do math, and then it doesn't work because I forgot that z is up, not y haha.

Good luck though!

Perception is when one imagination clashes with another

It has been a great pain attempting to convert it to y-up, been trying out for 3 consecutive days without results.



If your matrices are still z up, did the rotations not work? That last comment sounded like it was working.

Perception is when one imagination clashes with another


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