Need some motivation

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12 comments, last by Adaline 11 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone,

I'm planning to pursue game development/design as a career goal, being a senior student in computer engineering. However, I have a problem.

There are periods of time when I'm so motivated in learning new stuff, practicing them, trying to make use of them, reading more and more, coming up with ideas and even enhancing them. These are the times when I feel like I really want to be inside the game industry. I want to be a part of a game that influences people, makes them extend their imaginary world and so on.

But there are also times when I just don't wanna do anything, not even play any games or study. Not because I'm relaxed and think that I'll sort it out later some time, I just simply don't want to do anything. I keep on procrastinating and doing nothing until I run into something (an inspirational talk, movie, story, game) motivational. I feel like this takes a lot from my precious time thinking the fact that in a year or so I will be graduating.

I really want to know how I can constantly keep myself motivated. How do I do it? How do you guys do it?

Thank you all in advance.


I really want to know how I can constantly keep myself motivated. How do I do it? How do you guys do it?

I don't think anyone can stay constantly motivated, infact i believe dips in motivation are just a part of the creative process. Sometimes not actively thinking about a problem for a while can even help solve it. My advice would be to try not to feel stressed and not beat yourself up for being low every once in a while.

"The candle that burns brightest, dies fastest."

Don't push yourself to constantly be motivated, because like any human being you need downtime. Ask any serious athlete -- even olympians take massive chunks of rest, not only to rest their body but to actually have some time to rest their mind and spirit.

As a fellow software developer, I can tell you that its the balance of both:

1) studying and programming and learning

2) keeping my body healthy as much as my mind

3) days of just doing nothing (except maybe sitting around and drinking beer :p)

What is more important than "constantly driving yourself," is to check yourself from time to time to see if you are heading int he direction you want to be. Remember that you are just starting your career -- getting a job isn't the end goal, its merely a step on the way. All you need to do is make sure feel like you are in an area you want to be in, and the rest will fall into place with enough long-term motivation :)

It sounds like you might have enough motivation. It may get you started, but its temporary, the mind isn't set up to be 'wired' every single day.

You may need more discipline, being able to put the "don't feel like it" aside and work on a task. You might not always be productive, but if you don't sit down to try, you'll never have anything to build off of, and that's what keeps people going.

Everyone goes through it, especially when starting out. But it's like exercise, it gets a bit easier once you get into the habit. Try working someplace else, it's easy to put it off "until I feel like it" when you're in your room with the TV on, but feeling like you're going to work might help you focus. (Also turn any messengers off for an hour or two, and only browse the net for docs & references during that time, no matter how bored you get.)

It's also one of the reasons people recommend you start small - Not just because it's easier, but you'll get a sense of accomplishment sooner, and that will carry you through better than repeatedly failing at a big, flashy project.

Just like other people mentioned, I don't think it is possible to be motivated hardcore worker all the time.

I sometimes too feel I don't want to do literally anything. And then I stay home watching anime all day and eventually I feel awesome again and start my studies/work.

As people above have mentioned, being motivated 24/7 in not really realistic.

There are ways to keep oneself motivated by knowing how he/she reacts to things. Eg some poster or a short video somehow motivates you to work more, be more.

So by sourranding yourself by things that are motivational to you, the productivity period can be increased.

Also being more disaplined as Haps mentions cant hurt.

Something which may help is asking yourself: "What have I done today?" Something that you are proud about. Maybe it was designing something new for a game or maybe

doing some research for a project.

This is a great video and the speaker talks a bit about motivation :

In the end though, having a balance is very important or you will burn out.

It may feel great to work 4/5 months at your best. But it doesnt feel so good when the next 8 months are just wasted away. hehe.

If you're looking for a jump-start to your motivation, go watch Indie Game: The Movie.

I watched about 30 minutes and then got off the couch and started working again, because it was so damn inspiring!

You need someone to partner up with, or have a small team. And keep your place of study away from your place of pleasure.

Schedule when and where you will meet, maybe daily 2-3 hours. You are now under peer pressure to show up and make an effort.

Youre perfectly normal..... those moments of feeling unmotivated to code will go away once someone starts paying you to do it :) Just think of all those times in school when you're using your brain so much you just get tired and un motivated.... well programming uses your brain quite alot. you're going to get exhausted and unmotivated darn near everytime. It might not be noticable all the time but that's just what happens when you make your brain work hard.

Now back to my hole to code some more..... P.S. take breaks, its common place to have 10 minute internet breaks every hour to get your sanity (motivation) back.

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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.

Motivation and morale go hand in hand. If you find yourself unmotivated, take a break and step away. As has been said before, you can't be motivated 24/7. It's really just not possible.

If your trying to power through and get a project done, I find it's best not to focus on the project as a whole but as each part unto itself. It stops the mountain of unfinished work from getting to you. Reading motivational articles can help, but if you're simply to fried to read, set it aside and go do something else for a little bit. It's easier to step away then it is to wait until you're not to fried to work.

I like this blog in particular, and I have this specific post bookmarked for when I'm going through a lax period. I've found if I can't do, reading some production blogs can sometimes give me the motivation to continue learning(even if I don't learn anything). Some of them are quite funny, and you can usually glean at least a little useful information, even if you've been working on bitswitching until your eyes have bled.

My favorite error yet:

Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected '$pants'...

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