[Global Game Jam 2013] Nano Cure

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-1 comments, last by nbertoa 11 years, 2 months ago
Hi community. This is a video of the gameplay of the game that we finished for Global Game Jam 2013
This was my game for the Global Game Jam
2013. The game was entirely implemented in C++. We used Irrlicht as
graphic's engine, Bullet Physics as physics's engine and Copper Cube as
Level Editor. This game was developed by Bertoa Nicolas (Programmer),
Paladini Agustin (Programmer), Del Corro Ramiro (Programmer), Bertoa
Mariano (Animator and Level Designer), Arce Federico (Level Designer)
and Ordonez Gustavo (3D Modeler).

There was a time when cancer was not
able to be cured by people... Now it is. By the use of nano technology,
now at year 3064, we can command a nano robot developed by Nano Cure,
which will be able to exterminate cancer disease in the different organs
of the body. The first turn is for the Heart!

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