Can I use reflection to do this?

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7 comments, last by Ectara 11 years, 2 months ago
I have a struct declared as the following
public struct PositionColoredTextured4
	public Maths.Vector3 Position;
	public int Color;
	public TextureCoord Texture0;
	public TextureCoord Texture1;
	public TextureCoord Texture2;
	public TextureCoord Texture3;
	public static readonly VertexFormat Format = VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Diffuse | VertexFormat.Texture4;
	public static readonly int StrideSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PositionColoredTextured4));
I have the following method that I wrote to set the texture coordinates for Texture0.
public void SetTexture0Rect(Rectangle rect, float pixelTrim)
	if(m_texture0 == null)

	m_pixelTrim0 = pixelTrim;
	SizeF ratio = new SizeF(1f / (float)m_texture0.Width, 1f / (float)m_texture0.Height);
	m_texture0Rect = new RectangleF(rect.X * ratio.Width, rect.Y * ratio.Height, rect.Width * ratio.Width, rect.Height * ratio.Height);

	topLeft.Tu = ((rect.X + m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Width);
	topLeft.Tv = ((rect.Y + m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Height);

	topRight.Tu = ((rect.X + rect.Width - m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Width);
	topRight.Tv = ((rect.Y + m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Height);

	bottomLeft.Tu = ((rect.X + m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Width);
	bottomLeft.Tv = ((rect.Y + rect.Height - m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Height);

	bottomRight.Tu = ((rect.X + rect.Width - m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Width);
	bottomRight.Tv = ((rect.Y + rect.Height - m_pixelTrim0) / m_texture0.Height);

	if ((m_flipFlags & FlipFlags.Horizontal) != 0)
		m_vertices[0].Texture0.Tu = bottomRight.Tu;
		m_vertices[1].Texture0.Tu = topRight.Tu;
		m_vertices[2].Texture0.Tu = topLeft.Tu;
		m_vertices[3].Texture0.Tu = bottomLeft.Tu;
		m_vertices[4].Texture0.Tu = bottomRight.Tu;
		m_vertices[5].Texture0.Tu = topLeft.Tu;
		m_vertices[0].Texture0.Tu = bottomLeft.Tu;
		m_vertices[1].Texture0.Tu = topLeft.Tu;
		m_vertices[2].Texture0.Tu = topRight.Tu;
		m_vertices[3].Texture0.Tu = bottomRight.Tu;
		m_vertices[4].Texture0.Tu = bottomLeft.Tu;
		m_vertices[5].Texture0.Tu = topRight.Tu;

	if ((m_flipFlags & FlipFlags.Vertical) != 0)
		m_vertices[0].Texture0.Tv = topLeft.Tv;
		m_vertices[1].Texture0.Tv = bottomLeft.Tv;
		m_vertices[2].Texture0.Tv = bottomRight.Tv;
		m_vertices[3].Texture0.Tv = topRight.Tv;
		m_vertices[4].Texture0.Tv = topLeft.Tv;
		m_vertices[5].Texture0.Tv = bottomRight.Tv;
		m_vertices[0].Texture0.Tv = bottomLeft.Tv;
		m_vertices[1].Texture0.Tv = topLeft.Tv;
		m_vertices[2].Texture0.Tv = topRight.Tv;
		m_vertices[3].Texture0.Tv = bottomRight.Tv;
		m_vertices[4].Texture0.Tv = bottomLeft.Tv;
		m_vertices[5].Texture0.Tv = topRight.Tv;
But now I want to add support for Texture1, Texture2 and Texture3 without having to copy and paste the code. I was wondering if there is a way using reflection?
Sure, but providing an indexer (or simple method) to make the textures look like an array would probably be clearer and faster.

Sure, but providing an indexer (or simple method) to make the textures look like an array would probably be clearer and faster.

I was just about to suggest something like this, too. Your solution is much better, because my idea would have involved a work-around for not having pointers. :)

Sure, but providing an indexer (or simple method) to make the textures look like an array would probably be clearer and faster.

Thanks for the reply. I can't believe I didn't think of that.
I changed my CustomVertex struct to be
public struct PositionColored2Textured
	public Maths.Vector3 Position;
	public int Color;
	[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
	public TextureCoord[] Texture;
	public static readonly VertexFormat Format = VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Diffuse | VertexFormat.Texture2;
	public static readonly int StrideSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PositionColored2Textured));
But now nothing renders. I'm wondering if this is why I didn't use an array in the first place.
Yeah I'm quite sure I can't use an array in a vertex definition. I ended up writing these two methods instead
public void SetTextureCoordTu(int textureIndex, float tu)
	switch (textureIndex)
		case 0:
			this.Texture0.Tu = tu;
		case 1:
			this.Texture1.Tu = tu;
		case 2:
			this.Texture2.Tu = tu;
		case 3:
			this.Texture3.Tu = tu;

public void SetTextureCoordTv(int textureIndex, float tv)
	switch (textureIndex)
		case 0:
			this.Texture0.Tv = tv;
		case 1:
			this.Texture1.Tv = tv;
		case 2:
			this.Texture2.Tv = tv;
		case 3:
			this.Texture3.Tv = tv;

I'm thinking of a function that returns a reference to the correct TextureCoord object, something like (if it is valid C#):

public TextureCoord GetTexture(int textureIndex)
	switch (textureIndex)
		case 0:
			return this.Texture0;
		case 1:
			return this.Texture1;
		case 2:
			return this.Texture2;
		case 3:
			return this.Texture3;

And then have a function SetTextureRect() that loops from 0 to 3, getting each TextureCoord instance and operating on it from the above function.

C# doesn't support returning a reference to a value type. You can pass a reference to a value type as a function parameter, but not return one.

C# doesn't support returning a reference to a value type. You can pass a reference to a value type as a function parameter, but not return one.

Hm... Then perhaps a lower function that works on each TextureCoord object alone, and you call it four times from the publicly visible function, passing each instance one at a time? This feels like a dirty solution, and I'm sure someone more familiar with the language can do a better job.

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