Should I use XNA?

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10 comments, last by kubera 11 years, 2 months ago

The Monogame Team is afaik developing a Content Pipeline, however they are integrating it to the C# project as XNA did (that is, to VS or Monodevelop) which I believe is a mistake. The content pipeline component imho should be developed independently from any IDE, as the Wave Engine guys did, so that it remains unaffected from changes in the versions of the IDEs.


XNA is in the objective world that, what C++ with DirectX never was.

The COM Interfaces are classes. I am not sure, but you even would derive from them.

The only one thing, their implementations are hidden.

Windows uses structers from early '90, They (GDI, etc) are working as classes too.

MS Corporation decided, that the XNA framework will not be supported in the future.

The better solution would be SharpDX.

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