D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain fails in debug mode

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1 comment, last by benp444 11 years, 2 months ago

For a few weeks I have been developing only in release mode. I recently switched back to debug mode and found my previously working code failed. I have narrowed down the issue but have found it is not only present in the code I was working on, but all code (test code, old projects, sample code etc) on my machine.

The problem is that when D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain is called in debug mode I get an E_FAIL error code (see error box attached). I.e. the code below (taken from a Frank Luna sample) fails:

    HR( D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(
            0,                 //default adapter
            0,                 // no software device
            &md3dDevice) );

However if I change the 4th argument to 0 everything works.

I can only think that either my graphics card is broken or the Direct X SDK or Direct X runtime is somehow corrupt. Has anyone got any suggestions as to what should be my next steps?



Is your code still working in release builds? Otherwise this might be a related issue to this http://www.gamedev.net/topic/639532-d3d11createdevice-failed/

Yup - thats it.
KB 2670838 has stopped debug mode working. The link you pasted above leads on to a more detailed debate, but my solution was to uninstall this update and now everything works fine.

Going to switch off automatic updates from now on.



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