HTML5 based Game UI Middleware

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1 comment, last by MartinZhel 11 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone,

I'd like to introduce you to Coherent UI - HTML5 based game UI middleware. We have just made a new release for desktop platforms and I will highly appreciate your feedback on our product.



More information about our newest release you will find on our blog:


Just to help clarify for other readers -- It's Middleware for native-code games or Unity games that allows you to create your UI using HTML5, and CSS3 (and JavaScript? Not clear), it doesn't appear to be a UI solution for games writting in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

At any rate, though, it certainly looks nice and appears to be very capable. HTML5 and CSS3 is really great for UI, especially if you already know it. If you don't, it's completely worth learning.

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@Ravyne: Coherent UI is for both native-code and Unity games. Currently we support all desktop platforms Windows (32 bit & 64 bit builds), Linux, Mac OS X.

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