Drawing a Floor

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14 comments, last by YodaTheCoder 22 years, 6 months ago
Well, NeHe as already mentioned.
OpenGL Programming Guide. Look at chapter 9.
Lots of articles in gamedev.net''s "Articles & Resources" section.
Search google. Look around.
No one knows it off hand? Thats interesting... Okay, well thanks again...

I''m currently still in the process of learning how, and wanted to ask a question now that I am thinking about it.

So far, I have learned openGL with nothing but online tutorials. Recently, I have had the opportunity to visit amazon.com and place an order for an openGL book.

Now, I realize that every stupid noob asks this question, but just bare with me:

SuperBible first? Or something else. I am looking for something explanatory, so ya. Thanks again.

quote:Original post by YodaTheCoder

do you know of any place where I can read about it?


ask it again.
no that''s not enough, many peoples can''t
stand english. ask it again.
create new topic and ask it again.

May I ask what your impetus for a negative attitude towards people is? Honestly now, if you do not wish to reply to a topic, all it takes is NOT to press the little button.
It would seem like they do not like you because:

a) Your post was that of a newbyish cry in a desperate attempt to create something way beyond your abilities.
b) You insisted on NOT visiting NeHe''s site, where all of them told you to go.

Your newbie mind is not yet fully developed, young Jedi.

Go read some books, some tutorials, etc, I''m sure you can find your answers.

quote:Original post by YodaTheCoder
No one knows it off hand? Thats interesting...

Most people who have used OpenGL knows how to do texture mapping (since it''s really pretty basic stuff), it''s just that considering how many articles and tutorials have been written about it I don''t think a lot of people feel like writing a lengthy reply. It''s so much easier to just give pointers to existing information. Besides, an explanation in a reply here would probably not be as extensive as what you can read in the articles and tutorials you have been given links to.

Can''t help you with the book question, I''d just like to point out that the "Red" and "Blue" books are available online here on gamedev. If you haven''t already looked at them, you should.

Good luck

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