found an amazing programming tutorial conglomeration!

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7 comments, last by misterwubwub 11 years, 1 month ago !!!!!!!

anyone who wants to start learning programming should go here, i cant believe hes not more known... since i found him im learning new concepts every single day about java!

but hes got more, like C#. PHP. C++, and just general game programming concepts.

its all TOTALLY FREE! hes over 2,000 videos! its crazy!


Just a warning, and I'll preface this by saying that I'm passing on what I've heard from other developers -- albeit very experienced ones who's opinions I trust -- rather than my own experience, but...

From what I've heard, although TheNewBoston is pretty good at the teaching part of things and is very prolific, he apparently encourages some bad practices and sometimes provides incorrect information.

While I wouldn't go so far as to actively discourage watching the videos if you find them helpful, just take the material with a grain of salt and be sure to supplement your learning with other sources so that any misinformation is corrected.

His tutorials have also been discussed a number of times previously, so if you search our forums you should find further discussion/ more information.

Hope that helps! smile.png

- Jason Astle-Adams

Yes, i agree, cross checking any information is good practice.

On a separate note, there are a lot of tutorials on YT and the web that teach well, but also have flaws and not the best methodology, and your gonna get conflicting information, unless you pay well for professional instruction(and even that is not perfect), but in thenewbostons defense, i say from going over many of his videos, that he does have a nice lead against a lot of the webcam junkie "instructors" that have flooded YT.

And what i think puts him ahead, is his way of teaching. Its very down to earth, and the most relateable i have seen yet. I say with so many people asking "where do i start to learn ______???" thenewboston is choice number one, if at least to get the absolute basics down.

Why are people nowadays prefering to just learn from videos? Its impossible to fast read a video to estimate the usefulness of its content, so you are stuck with watching half an hour to know if theres something good inside and most likely just find something that equals reading 10 lines of a tutorial and even then its possibly something you already know and not something you want to know at that moment.

I also cant imagine someone having the patience to watch 2000 videos.

I sincerely agree with wintertime, at the same time I fear preaching about it won't help. A lot of people starting programming won't understand the disadvantages of videos as a medium for quite a while and believe it to be the newer, more modern approach.

Why are people nowadays prefering to just learn from videos? Its impossible to fast read a video to estimate the usefulness of its content, so you are stuck with watching half an hour to know if theres something good inside and most likely just find something that equals reading 10 lines of a tutorial and even then its possibly something you already know and not something you want to know at that moment.
I also cant imagine someone having the patience to watch 2000 videos.

Well, if you know about subject already, then sure. But if one is a newbie on the given field, there is nothing wrong with learning from videos. Its arguably more enjoyable to watch at someone who is doing something than reading description of the process spreaded across 10 pages. Also you can just rewind the video when needed.

Why are people nowadays prefering to just learn from videos?

Perhaps some people prefer a more human approach to learning. To those people it may be easier to absorb information given aurally.

I found TheNewBoston very useful when I first started programming. Also, you may want to look up another youtube user named "MyBringBack". I found his videos a lot more useful.

learning is learning is learning... as long as the information is worth learning, use whatever medium is best for you... videos have helped me a ton so far, been learning for about 3 months so far.

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