over-engineered script interpreter?...

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10 comments, last by cr88192 11 years, 1 month ago

No need to justify anything man. Actually, the stuff you write doesn't make much sense to me as I don't know your system.

Previously "Krohm"


No need to justify anything man. Actually, the stuff you write doesn't make much sense to me as I don't know your system.

fair enough.

it is a fairly big codebase (previously, the project in whole was 1.25 Mloc, but I dropped a bunch of generally unused code and now it is 671 kloc), of mostly C code.
a lot of this C code also uses dynamic types (as a library feature). the C code and script language more-or-less share the same type-system.

after the shave down, infrastructure+VM was 257 kloc, with 51 kloc as the VM proper. 414 kloc was the 3D engine front-end, which is now dominated by the renderer (~ 160 kloc) and other client-side functionality.

the script code then wraps over some parts of the engine, but generally very thinly (much of the script code is using functions and data-structures declared in C).

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