Image Scaling Problems

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1 comment, last by Crusable77 11 years, 1 month ago

Hello, I created a function to scale my images and it is not working and I am not sure why.


SDL_Surface* ImageSystem::ScaleSurface(SDL_Surface* Surface, int Scale){
SDL_Surface* tempScaledSurface = NULL;
if(Surface == NULL || Scale == NULL) {
std::cout << "Could not find the image to scale or you set the scale to 0\n";
return NULL;
int Width = Surface->w * Scale;
int Height = Surface->h * Scale;
tempScaledSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(Surface->flags, Width, Height, Surface->format->BitsPerPixel, Surface->format->Rmask, Surface->format->Gmask, Surface->format->Bmask, Surface->format->Amask);
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(tempScaledSurface)) SDL_LockSurface(tempScaledSurface);
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
for(int y = 0; y != Surface->h; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x != Surface->w; ++x)
for(int sy = 0; sy != Scale; ++sy)
for(int sx = 0; sx != Scale; ++sx)
PutPixel(tempScaledSurface, (x + sx), (y + sy), GetPixel(Surface, x, y)); 
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(tempScaledSurface)) SDL_UnlockSurface(tempScaledSurface);
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
return tempScaledSurface;
Uint32 ImageSystem::GetPixel(SDL_Surface* Surface, int x, int y){
Uint32 *pixels = (Uint32 *)Surface->pixels;
    return pixels[ ( y * Surface->w ) + x ];
void ImageSystem::PutPixel(SDL_Surface* Surface, int x, int y, Uint32 Pixel){
Uint8 * pixel = (Uint8*)Surface->pixels;
    pixel += (y * Surface->pitch) + (x * sizeof(Uint32));
    *((Uint32*)pixel) = Pixel;

I don't know how to do this image in the post so i will attach the image below.

In the image I scaled the image by 7. The black is where the image should be but it does not scale. Thank you for any help.


The innards of your for() statement should be ((x * scale) + sx) not (x + sx)

Otherwise, you're overwriting most of your pixels multiple times. smile.png

for(int y = 0; y != Surface->h; ++y)
    for(int x = 0; x != Surface->w; ++x)
        for(int sy = 0; sy != Scale; ++sy)
            for(int sx = 0; sx != Scale; ++sx)
                PutPixel(tempScaledSurface, ((x * scale) + sx), ((y * scale) + sy), GetPixel(Surface, x, y));

Well thank you kind sir :)

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