Texturing building's for mobile device's

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2 comments, last by chris3d165 11 years, 1 month ago

Hello friends :

i am wondering how you pro's might go about texturing game building's inside and out for decent android phone's and ios device's basically the average casual mobile gamer device.

What techniques would you use?

What size texture maps?

and what are some thing's to avoid?


It depens on what devices you are aiming at (i.e. how powerful they are).

I think max texture size should be around 512x512, but what's more important is that you need to stitch many textures into one big texture atlas and make a lot of models use this atlas as their texture, it is mandatory for mobile devices, because it will reduce amount of draw calls.

I think 512x512 is overkill. You need to keep your textures as small as possible while keeping the detail you are going for about the same on everything. Keep in mind the mobile devices have a screen of 3 to 5 inch so a 256x256 texture for a character that fills the screen most of the time should be good.

Like Unit sais you can use a bigger texture for all the textures in a level. For instance you could squese 64 128x128 textures in a 1024x1024 texture and that big texture only needs to be loaded one time for the whole level.

You need to be very smart when you go about texturing, try to make the tiling not to obvious and then lay over masks of dirt/grunge/plants to make the level more detailed.

Wow thanks for the speedy reply but i would imagine allot of texture loss in anything smaller than 512 another question.

When mapping in my uv editor can i have uv's overlapping each other to share texture's, and i mean :

lets say i have a small building for example and it has :

2 window's

3 walls

and a door

can i have the two window uv's on top of each other and have the 3 wall's do the same?

I am aiming at the unity 3d engine would this be a problem for for mobile's ?

also what could you tell me about light mapping what sizes should i keep those ? or do you suppose it would be best to just bake the shadow's in my 3d package.

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