Making a game from scratch

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9 comments, last by dsm1891 11 years, 1 month ago

i have heard is that most, even 2D games, take about 2+ years to make. I understand the more complex the game, the longer the development. Am I right to be concerned with the amount of work?

This really depends on how many hours per day you will work and how many problems you run into.

You will save a lot of time sitting in front of the computer by spending a decent amount of time with a pen and notebook planning everything thoroughly. If you can target possible bugs and solutions before development begins you will have a better time programming and some good feeling "aha!" moments.

I have read that people say they can complete the bulk of their code in a few months and then spend almost a year or two afterwards tweaking everything to be perfect. A good planning stage will help. Try to tackle everything you can think of.

How many people are in your group? Splitting up coding/artwork effectively can really help. A big group can be both a blessing but also a headache when disagreements arise.

Hey, thanks for the reply.

Well, we have to spend atleast 400 hours(each) on the project, no doubt we will spend more. I also am well accustomed to planning with pen and paper (go to break up train journeys up some how).

there are 2 in our group at the moment, most-likely getting 1/2 more though.

Thanks for your advice! :)

Mobile Developer at PawPrint Games ltd.

(Not "mobile" as in I move around a lot, but as in phones, mobile phone developer)

(Although I am mobile. no, not as in a babies mobile, I move from place to place)

(Not "place" as in fish, but location.)

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