Code Review ::Pong Clone::

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9 comments, last by Chad Smith 11 years, 1 month ago

Thank you all for the different pointers. I honestly believe you can't get better unless you have constructive criticism. I really do appreciate all of you for looking through my code.

Also your code isn't bad for a beginner. You're also doing a lot of things right. One thing you're doing right is asking for constructive critsism. That is a good sign for a programmer. Though in terms of your code in general it isn't bad and you're doing a lot of things right.

Also on your next game, just as a good lesson, try to write down the game. Meaning write down all the elements you need in that game. Now pick those elements apart. What do those elements need? What do each of those elements have in common? Before ya know it you'll start seeing where you can use inhertience and be core you know it you would have ended up creating a basic framework you can use for any game you do.

Also on your next game don't be worried to come back here and ask for a code review it. Their are a lot of people here that love doing code reviews and helping people out.

Before you know it you'll understanding and applying popular design models without even realizing it!

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