why some edge of the rotating cube has color deviation

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4 comments, last by cdev1990 11 years, 1 month ago
for example, the edge between face (0, 255, 0) and face (255, 0, 255) has clear color deviation

there is no color deviation if the cube is static

how can i do to remove the color deviation if the cube is rotating

Can you post a screen shot to show what you are talking about? It is hard to suggest anything, since we can't really see what the issue is!

Can you post a screen shot to show what you are talking about? It is hard to suggest anything, since we can't really see what the issue is!

i do not know how to get the screen shot because the cube is rotating, the color is correct when static

the code is simple, the rotating cube, one color on face, using fvf

i do not know how to get the screen shot because the cube is rotating, the color is correct when static

Use PntScn, or the Snipping Tool.

If it looks fine in the screenshot, then there is nothing wrong and the "color deviation" is just some motion artifact with your monitor.

Are you rotating the vertices using rotation matrix and the API (e.g. HW transformation) or are you doing it through CPU (SW transformation) ?

If it is the latter, you might want to double check if you are really duplicating all the colors/vertices in VB correctly.

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Can you post a screen shot to show what you are talking about? It is hard to suggest anything, since we can't really see what the issue is!

i do not know how to get the screen shot because the cube is rotating, the color is correct when static

the code is simple, the rotating cube, one color on face, using fvf

You're going to have to show us some code or be more specific for us to help you.

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