The movie thread.

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79 comments, last by frob 9 years, 11 months ago

Star Trek: My wife hated it. Said Kahn was a whiny bitch. I love her.

Well I had a good time with the film. Though I was disappointed that Sherlock was actually Khan and that he did not do a lot of terrorism. Spock cried. And yelled 'Khan'. ....Spock has feelings. Alternate timeline indeed.

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Would you believe, 15 yrs ago, after watching Titanic, that he would become an actor with such an impressive range of believable characters he can play ?

Yes, because before Titanic, he performed brilliantly in What's Eating Gilbert Grape and The Basketball Diaries.

Fast & Furious it's really awesome.

I watched Iron Man 3 and OZ The Great and Powerful.

Haven't seen any good movies recently. I did just watch the hangover 3 a few weeks ago, but I don't remember any of it because I thought it would be a good idea to get drunk and have a hangover myself immediatly after the movie.

If anyone has some good TV series I could watch let me know. Dissapointed with the new season of Archer, and every other good show feels like it's going to shit.

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Waited for such long time and finally watched “Man of Steel”, it’s a fantastic superhero movie. The new actor looks ideal for the character and the new outfit is the highlight for me.
recently watched WWZ, i'd give it a solid 8/10, the zombies felt right, and quite aggressive. the ending was rather satisfying, and overall I found it to be an excellent film.
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recently watched WWZ, i'd give it a solid 8/10, the zombies felt right, and quite aggressive. the ending was rather satisfying, and overall I found it to be an excellent film.

I'd agree with that. For a movie that was basically "Brad Pitt vs. the zombie apocalypse" it was surprisingly entertaining and I thought the "solution" was pretty clever.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

For mine:

Man of Steel != superman. It is a pretty good action movie with lots of cinematic moments, but that is not the traditional Superman character. Good when I forgot it was supposed to be Superman, bad when I remembered.

F&F6. You get what you expect with the sixth installment. I thought the HISHE for the movie just released this week was better than the real movie. Good moments, but turn off your brain.

Of the upcoming films, one blockbuster that makes me cry just from the trailers is Pacific Rim. If you are going to build the giant robots hooked up to supercomputers, fire the idiots who made them completely human controlled. Also fire the idiots who designed the suits with force-feedback that can injure the operators. Just more bad writing.

The best film I have seen was when my wife and daughters brought me along to "My Little Pony". The plot holes there were more explainable. People in power could realistically dismiss the problems as teenage drama. There is a more rational explanation of no emergency response: if I heard radio calls about multiple Satan-looking flying demons destroying buildings with brimstone and magic, I probably wouldn't respond either. Not exactly stellar material, but at least gas stations didn't explode.

I still have moderately high hopes for the Lone Ranger (I already expect too many explosions from the trailer, but the clips seem funny), and from Turbo (can you mess up a snail superhero?). Despicable Me 2 seems fun based on over-the-top minion abuse comedy, so I'll go to that.

None of the movies this summer really speak to me.

Man of Steel != superman. It is a pretty good action movie with lots of cinematic moments, but that is not the traditional Superman character. Good when I forgot it was supposed to be Superman, bad when I remembered.

What didn't you like about it? I thought it was pretty good except for a couple issues at the start.

Yes, because before Titanic, he performed brilliantly in What's Eating Gilbert Grape and The Basketball Diaries.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape he did fine in, but I wouldn't exactly say it was a film that determined he would be a great actor. He didn't mess up, but it wasn't exactly a very demanding role. No offense to him, but a worse actor could have probably performed similarly in the same role.

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