Project Anarchy is a go

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3 comments, last by Serapth 10 years, 9 months ago

I just got the following email from Havok, announcing Project Havok is now available for download.

If you've never heard of it, or Havok for that matter, Project Anarchy is a collection of game developer middleware, being made available completely free for mobile developers.

The most likely piece of Havok tech for you to be familar with is their physics engine, which is basically ubiquitous in the industry. The package also includes an AI library, the Vision Engine, which is a 3D engine similar to Unity or UDK, content pipeline tools for most 3D packages, etc...

If you are looking at doing mobile game development, especially advanced 3D work, you really need to check it out.


Finally ! :-)

This is great. Especially the AI and Physics tools.

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For anyone interested in learning more about Project Anarchy, i've done a pretty indepth closer look. So if you are wondering what exactly is in Project Anarchy, this post should help.

It's a pretty cool package, very much a peer to UDK or Unity.

I actually ended up putting together a pretty detailed tutorial series on Project Anarchy if you are interested in it. It's a pretty powerful SDK, but not quite as easy to get into ( thus the tutorials ).

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