New Game: Dead Dark

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4 comments, last by ezraanderson 8 years, 12 months ago

~:Sudo Bash

Dead Dark is a rouguelike, zombie apocalypse survival game.
You must survive and then die.

Dead Dark is a multi-platform game, it will be available on:
Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & iPad and Linux.

Launch the Website Today

  • And it comes with some cool content.

Dead Dark - Important Links

Dead Dark - Promotional Videos

Dead Dark - Development Videos



  • Does anybody want to do a link exchange?
  • Video host for better quality videos?
  • Have you liked us on Facebook yet?

The game itself looks really fun. I have a few friends that I think will really like it.

My only "thing" about it is the website doesn't look very professional. Instead of using a forum for the whole website, consider an HTML page.

Rather than saying "Give us some money" on the donate link, tell people why they should donate. I know you were trying to be funny, but when it comes to asking random people for cash you need to look professional.

Good luck with the game, everything else looked very good. When do you think will be the first release? Will you be doing any free trials/free beta testing?

Stay gold, Pony Boy.

While the gameplay appears interesting, the UI isn't very user-friendly.

I understand that you may be trying to emulate roguelike minimalist style, but it should not impede you from taking advantage of UX advancements.

Also, a couple of things tipped me off that you may not be an american native:

Does anybody want to do a link exchange?

Do you mean cross-promotion?


those are very good points. I haven't put any thoughts into donantion scheme, its just a filler page for now.


"Do you mean cross-promotion?" thanks, i will think of something better then link exhange.

There was a lot of effort put into the ui. the ui was designed for tablets which works well but feels clumsy on the pc.

Still grind-way at it. Here is a video from a while ago

Alpha 2

been playing with some different lighting techniques for dynamic hard & soft shadows, much harder than I thought to integrate into a 2D game.


Here is a video from the other day of "the street light" test. Not very exciting, and the lighting still needs a lot of work, and might not even make it in to the final game.

5meg downloadable HD video much better than youtube quality

Spent some time today polishing up the inventory stuff.

Stats 1 : basic stats

Stats 2 : load out

Basic Crafting Menu.

Searching boxes, the crate ICON is a filler icon from openart will be replaced in the future.

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