Looking to make an Isometric 2D game for PC (possibly iOS)

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1 comment, last by Servant of the Lord 10 years, 8 months ago

Hello all,

I have been searching the web trying to find the information I want, but generally it gets very generalized and I am hoping someone here will be able to give me a more specific answer.

Basically I have been making my own 3D engine using C++ and DirectX but I get the feeling that a lot of this is reinventing the wheel. Things like setting up GUI elements, sorting out texture and model loading and animation, writing in screen resolution and full screen options, etc etc

I get the impression that whatever I write will have been done before, and done better as it will have been tested more extensively. Overall, what I want to do is actually make a game, but I am getting buried in all the graphical and settings programming and finding myself unmotivated because of this.

So, what I'm looking for:

First, I have decided a 2D game would probably be an easier start for me and let me get foot in the door.

I am looking for make the game for distribution on the PC and possibly a mobile device (iOS or Android, but PC if nothing else)

The game would use an isometric viewpoint. I don't think this is a big factor in terms of engines, but worth mentioning.

I would ideally want to work with C++ or C#

Ideally I am after an engine that deals with 2D graphics and the core of the game (i.e. window creation, resolution, texture storage and manipulation, etc) while still leaving me a lot of freedom in terms of design and coding. An engine with good tutorials or examples would be ideal :)

Thanks to anyone who managed to read through all of this. I did to a lot of searching but it hard to find anything too specific. I just want to see an engine that is basically "This engine does what you want, it will let you release to this platform independently and here's some tutorials for it".


You could try Allegro. It's technically a game development library and it has bindings in C++ and C#. It works on Windows, OS X, Linux (so it will probably work on Android), and DOS (if you wanted support for that for some reason). I've never used so I don't know what it's like to work with it but it works for isometric games and you can find more tutorials here.

Personally I like LOVE but, it can only be scripted with Lua.







How about modifying the Flexible Isometric Free Engine (FIFE)?

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