Inside of Nightmare - PC GAME - help me to develop free to play games!

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1 comment, last by Ro?lin PL 10 years, 6 months ago

Hello people of the world!

Please help me to develop free PC and Android games and improve my skills!

Visit my Indiegogo campaign!! --

If you help me - you will help to all gamers around the world - because my games are going to be FREE TO PLAY!
Ways You Can Help:

If you want to help me you can donate any ammout of BitCoins to my BitCoin wallet:


QR ---

or via bankAccount : PL93 1140 2004 0000 3602 3384 5316

My goal is to rise founds to buy PC software to develop games
and to buy great 3D models for my games

and smile.png to buy for me some time to make those games smile.png FREE to PLAY!

I hope I will reach my goal so I can finish my game and make a lot more and more games!!!!

If you decided to help me -- thanks!!!

Every penny means a lot!!!

Together we can win!
Few words about the game:
"Inside of Nightmare" as a 3D game build on Unity3d engine contains good 3d graphic

-3D models used in this project are licence free 3D models shared on the Internet
-Sounds are recorded in the real world most of them by myself - rest are licence free sounds shared on the Internet
-Most of the realistic textures are made by myself, some are licence free textures shared on the Internet
-Music is composed by myself
-Scripts written by myself -- big thanks to all of the authors of gaming scripting lessons!

This game will bring to to the world of fear - where nothing is the same and anything can happen!

Free 2 play when released ! (propably release date: 14/02/2014)


For future reference, creating topics in Your Announcements where you have nothing to show and then basically ask people to give you no money is not a good way to get anybody to take you seriously.

Come up with something to show, then announce it.

For future reference, creating topics in Your Announcements where you have nothing to show and then basically ask people to give you no money is not a good way to get anybody to take you seriously.

Come up with something to show, then announce it.

I am so sorry ++ by mistake I did not put a link to a trailer !!! smile.png problem resolved above and here.

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