Find Min with Recursion

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32 comments, last by alvaro 10 years, 3 months ago

Right laugh.png

Failure is not an option...


Yes, returning the index is a good solution:

unsigned recursive_min(double *data, unsigned n) {
  if (n <= 1) // [EDIT: Was `n == 1'. Thanks, rip-off.]
    return n - 1; // returns -1 for an empty input
  unsigned left_index = recursive_min(data, n/2);
  unsigned right_index = recursive_min(data + n/2, n - n/2) + n/2;
  return data[left_index] < data[right_index] ? left_index : right_index;

// returns -1 for an empty input

It would, if the test were n <= 1.

It would, if the test were n <= 1.

Ooops! Brain fart! :)

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