2D Circular Terrain Generation and perlin noise

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0 comments, last by Raid3n 10 years, 3 months ago

Hello my name is Francisco and im barely new to unity (only 3 months) and im trying to make a 2D platformer with some twists. I have posted this in the unity forums but i don't where is the best place sorry for the inconvinience. First i will introduce the premises. 1. The world must be circular, and the player will be wandering around it 2. There is a point of gravity in the center of the planet. (there could be some other points in the future,thats why it is like this) 3. the player won't notice that the world is circular, but i made it circular so i dont have to bother with translating end and startpoints etc. Also it would be more fun. 4. Procedural terrain generation with biomes. 5. .... So... it was made with the unity 2d tools (sprite Renderers and box2d). What is my problem? i need advice , not in programming just in logic, of how to make it fast as possible (will be targeted to webplayer). What would be better: 1. to create some sort of pool manager and then i would go placing blocks as far as the user can see (and little more) (how would you make this?). 2. to create all instance and activating them as the user pass (and how you would make this). 3. to create all instances and thats it.

I guess this second part i can search for it: I kind of need to know how to use the perlin noise so i give it a random vector with random heights (around the circle) and will complete the sequence. Also i would like to know how to think to make caves.

The main problem i see of using a circle is that in the sides the X start counting as height and that suck balls.

This is what i made, the outer circle is a circle collider that acts as Attraction field. and the inner is a circle of grass that collide with the player. (the gravity and rotation are working good).


Here is a class that contains the gameobject and pos, and rotation (in the future will contain type of biome etc.)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TileClass {
    public Vector3 Position {get;set;}
    public Quaternion Rotation {get;set;}
    public GameObject Tile {get;set;}
    public TileClass()

Here is my code that i use to create the terrain.

public class TerrainGenerator : MonoBehaviour {
    public GameObject floorTile;
    public Transform offset;
    public float Radio=1;
    public float precision=0.1f;
    public float InstancesAmount=10;
    public GameObject player;
    private TerrainClass terrain;  
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
       terrain = new TerrainClass(Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.PI*2/precision));
       float rnd = Random.Range (0f,0.9f);
       for (int i=0;i<terrain.Tiles.Length;i++)
         Vector3 posTmp = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(i * Mathf.PI*2/terrain.Tiles.Length) * Radio + offset.position.x,Mathf.Cos(i * Mathf.PI*2/terrain.Tiles.Length) * Radio + offset.position.y,0);
         Vector3 pos = new Vector3(posTmp.x + Mathf.PerlinNoise(posTmp.x * rnd,posTmp.y * rnd),posTmp.y + Mathf.PerlinNoise(posTmp.x * rnd,posTmp.y * rnd),posTmp.z);
         Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(offset.position - pos,Vector3.forward);       
         terrain.SetTile(i,pos,new Quaternion(0,0,rotation.z,rotation.w));
         //terrain.Tiles[i].Period = i * Mathf.PI*2/terrain.Tiles.Length;
       for (int i=0;i<terrain.Tiles.Length;i++)
         terrain.SetTileGameObject(i,(GameObject) Instantiate(floorTile,terrain.Tiles[i].Position,terrain.Tiles[i].Rotation));         
         terrain.Tiles[i].Tile.GetComponent<DetectPlayer>().id = i;
         terrain.Tiles[i].Tile.GetComponent<DetectPlayer>().player = player;  

Just in case you want to know TerrainClass is just a middle Class that contains the TileClass Array. The detectplayer attaches to the used prefab for tile and just has a oncollisionenter sets an static variable the I variable to know where the player is standing.

and if you want to have the gravity class also is here: i just place it in an empty GameObject with a circle collider marked as trigger.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Gravity : MonoBehaviour {
    private bool AffectOnlyY;
    private List<GameObject> goList;
    void Start()
       goList = new List<GameObject>();
    void FixedUpdate () 
       foreach(GameObject g in goList)
         Vector3 offset = transform.position - g.transform.position;
         Vector3 force = offset / offset.sqrMagnitude * rigidbody2D.mass;
         g.rigidbody2D.AddForce(force );
         Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position - g.transform.position, g.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward));
         g.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, rotation.z, rotation.w);
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D c)
       if (c.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>() != null) goList.Add(c.gameObject);
    void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D c)
       if (c.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>() != null) goList.Remove(c.gameObject);

As for the Perlin noise in the image you can see that works also for the sides. 21632-circle.png

My problem with perlin is that i would like to have some sort of control of the different heights that i will have on the terrain so i will generate random heights distributed around the circle and then use the perlin noise to make interpolation (am i missing something?).

if this post is wrong forgive me please. Thanks for reading, Francisco.


Forget for now about perlin, how could i create the terrain, i think i've read that with voxels is the way, creating a mesh with all the terrain data, but.... what i want is just to create a small amount of blocks, instance certain amount of each block and then go placing them as the user moves forward or back in the scenary. but how to achieve that if the terrain is going to be a voxel , and what if i want to use sprites to perform that task.

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