starting to get serious about programming, but hitting some bumps in the road

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9 comments, last by Ryan_001 10 years, 2 months ago

Not to sound noob but whats going on with int num2 = increaseBy2(num1);
I dont think I have studied that yet. What does (num1); mean?

num1 is a integer variable created earlier, set to equal 5.

lol oh ok. I get it. Sorry. Still learning.

I feel like an idiot now.

That's a good sign, it means you're learning smile.png Stick with it, even if you don't quite understand it, it'll start to sink in with time. The best thing is, after getting a tutorial or example to work, is to modify it. Try to break it, but try to break it in a way that you can predict. Add a few more functions. Call functions from other functions. Just play around, have fun for a bit, and get comfortable with it.

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