Resource method Release() won't release memory

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2 comments, last by incertia 10 years, 1 month ago

So, in tree(which process frustum culling), I call

void CRTreeStatic::ManageModelsResources(CCamera const *const &_pCamera) const
// some tree traversing and choosing pLOD

 if (MemStatus.dwMemoryLoad > 80)
  CModelResource::GetInstance()->UnloadModel((IModel *const)pLOD->GetModel());

After that, model will pushed to m_Unloading inside resource manager.

This is worker thread of resource manager:

void CModelResourceWorkedThread::WorkerThread()
while (1)
for (auto iModel : m_Unloading)
if (!iModel->IsOnLoading() && iModel->IsLoaded())

After that, inside ClearGeometry():

void ClearGeometry()
Lock(); // mutex lock

m_bOnLoading = true;

for (auto iMesh : m_Meshes)

m_bIsLoaded = false; // atomic
m_bOnLoading = false; // atomic


Inside Mesh::ClearGeometry():

void ClearGeometry()

while (m_pVertexBuffer->Release())

m_pVertexBuffer = nullptr;

m_nVertices = 0;

for (auto iSplit : m_MaterialSplits)

Last command executs 100%. I have debugged it.

Buffer creation inside loader.cpp:

ZeroMemory(&bd, sizeof(bd));
bd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bd.ByteWidth = sizeof(CVertex)* pMesh->m_nVertices;
bd.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
bd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;

ZeroMemory(&InitData, sizeof(InitData));
InitData.pSysMem = pVertices;

if (pMesh->m_pVertexBuffer)
    printf("debugger doesn't stop here\n");

V_RETURN(pD3DDevice->CreateBuffer(&bd, &InitData, &pMesh->m_pVertexBuffer));

Why I release buffer in realtime?

Count of objects in scene is very big, and I have to unload and download part of them in realtime(because of RAM and GPU memory not rubber).

And memory doesn't deallocates! Used GPU memory and RAM only grows!

What happens? Why memory doesn't deallocates? So strange problem...


I'm afraid we have a serious communication problem.

So I assume you have a list of render-able objects and you null them as a result of frustum culling.

Ok, fine, what about the various draw-buffers... you create one each visible object? Every frame? Yikes.

You cannot just say "I have this macro", I call it "somewhere" and conclude "it doesn't work". You claim to "release buffer in realtime" but we don't see any release call being issued in the code you provided, if not in complete isolation in line 2.

Previously "Krohm"

I'm afraid we have a serious communication problem.

So I assume you have a list of render-able objects and you null them as a result of frustum culling.

Ok, fine, what about the various draw-buffers... you create one each visible object? Every frame? Yikes.

You cannot just say "I have this macro", I call it "somewhere" and conclude "it doesn't work". You claim to "release buffer in realtime" but we don't see any release call being issued in the code you provided, if not in complete isolation in line 2.

Code is too large. Up there is cutted code.

Just, I want to know, where is potential error?


Ok, I edit the first post. Understandable?

Things would make a lot more sense if you also posted how you chain these calls together in your actual program.

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