Render monkey error C0118

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-1 comments, last by Peyman Tahghighi 10 years, 1 month ago

i'm find Render monkey to work and practice in openGL es2.0 shader language. as i start the program i add a new default opengl es 2.0 in effect workspace but when it opens i see lots of error in output window,the error is this for both fragment and vertex shader:

error C0118: macros prefixed with 'GL_' are reserved

and here is my vertex shader:

uniform mat4 matViewProjection;
attribute vec4 rm_Vertex;
void main(void)
   gl_Position = matViewProjection * rm_Vertex;

and fragment:

   // Default precision
   precision highp float;
   precision mediump float;

void main(void)
   gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.4, 0.0, 0.9, 1.0 );

it's so simple! and in addition i try Render monkey examples but still got this error in every vertex and fragment shader ! so what is the problem with it?


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