OpenGL Tutor

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4 comments, last by Zyneak 10 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys! I'm a student right now, and was wondering if some of the more advanced people could tutor me in OpenGL. It would be maybe a few hours a week? Any time that worked for you. I couldn't pay you as of yet, maybe within a month when I get a job we could work something out.

So why a tutor?

I'm having trouble understanding a lot about OpenGL and have issues learning from a book. Also the videos online are all using deprecated methods. I learn best from a teacher.


I'm okay at C++. I can do all the basic functions. Arrays, Pointers and such.

I would really love for someone to help me out!

If you have skype you can contact me at: itunes89blox.


Is their anything thing I can do for you? I really need the help.

The point of an open forum is being a resource. I do not mind spending some of my free time here answering questions because it's ultimately a good cause.

However, you are asking for private tutoring. That has absolutely no benefit for the community as a whole. In general you will find that actual professionals or competent hobbyists are unwilling to do something like that. You'd have to pay them and you cannot pay their rates. The people who are willing to do that for cheap or free will often be people who will ultimately be of no (or negative help).

If you have questions or problems there are a lot of resources out there (if your Google-fu is weak, consider just looking at the OpenGL Wiki as a starter) or ask questions on forums like this. This also has the added benefit of keeping things more correct.
In a one-on-one session as a newbie you have no chance to detect misconceptions, outdated or plain wrong information. If it happens in an open forum like this chances are high it will be called out an corrected. It is not uncommon for the would-be teacher to learn something as well when they find their information is outdated.

Okay. Their are still just concepts I have trouble understanding. I guess I'll just try to ask my questions and maybe people can answer them. Thanks!

OpenGL is just a tool, so you'd probably be better off starting by learning what you would use the tool for, namely rendering images. There are some pretty solid on-line courses which cover the basics of computer graphics and 3D rendering.


Foundations of Computer Graphics (edX)

Interactive 3D Graphics (Udacity)

After that you can check out some OpenGL tutorials:

Saying you have trouble "learning from a book" means you may need to spend more time actively developing your own learning abilities. The majority of human knowledge is locked away in text, so part of being a successful professional means spending a fair bit of time reading, textbooks, white papers, journal articles, blog posts, etc...

That edX thing might help.


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