Building a 2D engine using LibGDX

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3 comments, last by Truerror 10 years ago
Hello all,

This seemed like a better place to post this since I am more or less a beginner. I am building a 2D Engine and off the LibGDX Framework. I am posting on my website frequently on progress and plans with the engine. I'm not sure if anyone is interested in following the development of a 2D engine; but I thought I would put it out there for anyone interested. Feel free to leave suggestions either here or via the contact form on the website. If this post is not in the correct forum or if this is an improper post I apologize.


Thank you.

You could have posted in "Your Announcements" but this is fine too.

I do have a question. Isn't LibGDX a 2D engine? Are you making an engine with an engine, or is LibGDX too low level?

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
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Your site looks good!

I still can't resist to recommend you to read this hole article completely, especially since you say you're a beginner. wink.png

You could have posted in "Your Announcements" but this is fine too.

I do have a question. Isn't LibGDX a 2D engine? Are you making an engine with an engine, or is LibGDX too low level?

Yes and no, LibGDX is not really an engine as far as like something similar to Unity3D or UDK its more of a framework like XNA.

Your site looks good!

I still can't resist to recommend you to read this hole article completely, especially since you say you're a beginner. wink.png

Thank you, for both the compliment and the article. I have an idea for a game that I was originally building the engine for but I think I will try switching to just designing the game rather than just building functionality...I've always heard through school that is bad practice to write code like that; it does make sense so I will give it a shot.

CaSpivey01, on 28 Apr 2014 - 03:58 AM, said:

Yes and no, LibGDX is not really an engine as far as like something similar to Unity3D or UDK its more of a framework like XNA.

Yes, but it comes bundled with lots of niceties (Box2D, Bullet, I even heard it handles the camera for you) which makes it almost at the same level as an engine. The only thing it lacks is toolset, really. If you're building an engine for learning purposes, you made the right choice smile.png

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