Modern C++ looking for information

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10 comments, last by ChaosEngine 9 years, 10 months ago

Hey everyone,

after working for 5 years with Java in my current job and in my hobby projects I'm getting tired of writing all my stuff in this language.

I think the time has come to fulfill my dream and start diving deeper into the C universe.

First thing I want to try is to port one of my Java projects into a C++ project. What I am looking for is a guide for code styling, project structure and modern C++ usage.

I'm going to use Visual Studio 2013 and want to take a look at SDL or SFML for the start. Any good advice for a Java developer exploring the big world of C/C++ language?

I'd would be really grateful if someone can share his knowledge with me or post intresting links.

Best Regards


Follow my hobby projects:

Ognarion Commander (Java/LIBGDX):

This should help you with getting started with C++

This should help with getting started with C++

I just want to note that these pretty old tutorials are not the best for learning modern C++. I think the only way to learn modern C++ is to read a book or two, or experiment a lot and learn from different sources on the internet.

For the graphics library, I recommend SFML. It's a complete package, including networking, written in modern C++. SDL, on the other hand, is a C library and is not a good example of C++ OOP.

What I am looking for is a guide for code styling, project structure and modern C++ usage.

This is one of the disadvantages of C++ in my opinion, there isn't really a standard coding style that's being used by everyone. You could choose for the standard library coding style, but there are a lot of other coding styles out there.

For project structures this is the case too, it's relatively a lot more complicated compared to Java, but you will get used to it. There isn't however a 'best' way to do it. Especially since there are many different IDE's, compilers and operating systems out there that support C++. Using your IDE's project files will be enough for all your own projects. If you want to collaborate however, I recommend learning to use VCS like Git (VCS is never a bad idea, whatever language you choose) and using CMake (just google it if you're interested).

When you've learned the basics of C++, for example using the link posted above, you should learn more about C++11. The creator of C++ still has a lot of good resources, also on C++11, on his site (a bit long but very useful). The design patterns you learned using Java should for a large part be the same with C++. C++ however misses the kind of RTTI Java supports.

I would also recommend starting with a book. Before going into structure I would start out with the more fundemental differences between Java and C++. I don't know about Visual Studio but usually (as opposed to Java) there is (intentionally) no garbage collector implemented so you will have to deal with potential memory leaks and general memory handling. You should also get a good understanding of pointers and references in C++ (especially when it comes to optimizing performance) and also features like operator overloading and operators in general.

If you dive into coding right away without a good understanding about how C++ works you will find yourself lost at many points because it's much easier to "break stuff" with C++ than it is with Java.

I also recommend using over for reference.

"What? It disintegrated. By definition, it cannot be fixed." - Gru - Dispicable me

"Dude, the world is only limited by your imagination" - Me

This article summarizes elements of modern C++ style:

Aether3D Game Engine:



Thanks everyone for the resources, I'll gonna have a look at them!

I've already got some questions regarding some Java standards and how they are solved in C++.


I'm totally used to create my Java classes in POJO manner. That means almost every member of my class will have a getter/setter method for accessing it. I've read that in C++ getters/setters are evil and break the rule of data encapsulation. In eclipse I've got a function to automatically create getters/setters but somehow in visual studio im missing that function. Any advice here?


It feels like visual studio is missing alot features from eclipse. For example:

-Ctrl + O - Opens a context menu with all class members / functions listed (Outline)

-Ctrl + Alt + Arrow - Copies the current selected line

-Ctrl + 1 - Opens the context help menu


Anyone knows a guide for visual studio hot keys and shortcuts?

Best Regards


Follow my hobby projects:

Ognarion Commander (Java/LIBGDX):

For 1) the equivalent of POJO is POD - where you make a struct where all the members are public, and all the members are either primitive types, raw pointers, or other POD types.

If every member has a getter/setter, then they may as well just be public.

Also, getters/setters at all are a strong sign that you're not actually using OO, no matter which language you're using... An object should provide some *useful abstraction*; if all the members are exposed through getters/setters, then there's zero abstraction going on, so theres no reason for it to be an "object" (usually this is where POD types come in).

For 1) the equivalent of POJO is POD - where you make a struct where all the members are public, and all the members are either primitive types, raw pointers, or other POD types.

If every member has a getter/setter, then they may as well just be public.

Although they can be used equivalently there are differences. If you add a set-method you can include error-handling and polymorphism which can help you maintain correct behavior.

For example:
you have a class Player and a member called health. If you use a set-method you can also implement something like:

void Player::setHealth(int x) {
  if (x < (maxhealth /4) && x > 0) {
    Player::yell("I need a medic!");
  if (x <= 0) {
  health = x;

Of course right now you would probably implement stuff like this in a method like "registerDamage" and this would probably make more sense but if you design a set-method from begin with you are more flexible to changes. You could also check for a negative number and add a line to your log that something went wrong.

Another advantage of using set-methods is that you can easily implement conceptional future changes. For example if you decide later on that max health should be 99 instead of originally planned 9999, you simply have to add a /100 here and it's all set. Otherwise you'd have to go through your code and modify every occurence where the variable was changed from the outside.

There's nothing evil about getters and setters. However, the C++ community is a bit more lax on when to use them. To a typical C++ programmer, there's no reason to make a setter and getter if all they do is modify and return -- public variables are perfectly fine. Sure, there's justifiable reasons why you may want to add that abstraction layer (typically, "you might want to change the behavior later") but it's really not that important.

However, Hodgman is very right when he says that lots of getters and setters are a bad sign. An object in general should either contain a bunch of information for other objects to use or it should do something. If you find your objects typically do both, you might want to take another look at your architecture. This applies to C++ and Java equally.

As for good C++ style, it's a little hard to gauge sometimes. C++ works in several different "levels". There's the embedded stuff, and there's stuff going up all the way to Javaland, and the C++ in different levels tends to look different. Raw pointers for example tend to be everywhere in embedded code, while best practice (rightly) says you should be using them very sparingly in every other domain.

I don't know any good resources for the stuff (though someone mentioned Herb Sutter's blog above -- he's a good resource for C++ stuff in general) but the sorts of things you should be looking for in a mid-level domain are things like:

Smart Pointers


Templates (more specifically, the standard library containers like vector -- arrays should be used fairly sparingly)

Lambdas (maybe, more specifically "not function pointers")

In general, if you see C++ that looks like C, it's either written at a very low level of abstraction or it's bad.

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