Best comment ever

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106 comments, last by Finalspace 7 years ago

Saw this from a friend at University the other day:

def heuristic(self, node):
    #360 no comment
    return sum((lambda m, l :map(lambda s: m-s, l))(*(lambda l : (max(l), l))(
                        list(map(sum, map(lambda l: map(lambda e: e[1], l),
                        map(lambda l: filter(lambda e: e[0], l),
                        map(lambda l: zip(*l), zip(node, self.lists))))))))) #sorry

He said that his eyes bled but he felt a strange satisfaction.


I've been pondering this one for a bit, not really meant to be funny, just something my brain churned out from the deep dark recesses of

my puberdescent teenage mind.

'''This code is utterly useless, I don't even know why you're trying to figure it out, it doesn't work!
If your still reading this comment that means your soul must have been eaten by the horrendous
clusterfuck that created the prior class of 123 lines which tangles everything so horridly it is 
incomprehensible. Don't even try and read what's below because all the comments are trolls
and the code will require TWO supercomputers which have been given steroids to figure out. 
You will never make it out of here.

May the computer gods and their goats bless your geeky soul, and may your brain not melt into goo.'''

I am seriously considering sticking this into an old BASH file I have. I dont remember the format for multi-line comments but a little research will turn something up.

EDIT: It appears despite me only being 16, programming is already slowly driving me insane.

Saw this from a friend at University the other day:

def heuristic(self, node):
    #360 no comment
    return sum((lambda m, l :map(lambda s: m-s, l))(*(lambda l : (max(l), l))(
                        list(map(sum, map(lambda l: map(lambda e: e[1], l),
                        map(lambda l: filter(lambda e: e[0], l),
                        map(lambda l: zip(*l), zip(node, self.lists))))))))) #sorry

He said that his eyes bled but he felt a strange satisfaction.

Functional programming is actually really easy to understand when you have experience with it, contrary to popular opinion. It's just doing stuff to the stuff so it can stuff stuff in stuff and stuff. Capisce?

I've been pondering this one for a bit, not really meant to be funny, just something my brain churned out from the deep dark recesses of

my puberdescent teenage mind.

'''This code is utterly useless, I don't even know why you're trying to figure it out, it doesn't work!
If your still reading this comment that means your soul must have been eaten by the horrendous
clusterfuck that created the prior class of 123 lines which tangles everything so horridly it is 
incomprehensible. Don't even try and read what's below because all the comments are trolls
and the code will require TWO supercomputers which have been given steroids to figure out. 
You will never make it out of here.

May the computer gods and their goats bless your geeky soul, and may your brain not melt into goo.'''

I am seriously considering sticking this into an old BASH file I have. I dont remember the format for multi-line comments but a little research will turn something up.

EDIT: It appears despite me only being 16, programming is already slowly driving me insane.

Maybe the jerk should have spent less time trying to be the next Shakespeare and refactored the code. Sheesh.

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
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I've been pondering this one for a bit, not really meant to be funny, just something my brain churned out from the deep dark recesses of

my puberdescent teenage mind.

'''This code is utterly useless, I don't even know why you're trying to figure it out, it doesn't work!
If your still reading this comment that means your soul must have been eaten by the horrendous
clusterfuck that created the prior class of 123 lines which tangles everything so horridly it is 
incomprehensible. Don't even try and read what's below because all the comments are trolls
and the code will require TWO supercomputers which have been given steroids to figure out. 
You will never make it out of here.

May the computer gods and their goats bless your geeky soul, and may your brain not melt into goo.'''

I am seriously considering sticking this into an old BASH file I have. I dont remember the format for multi-line comments but a little research will turn something up.

EDIT: It appears despite me only being 16, programming is already slowly driving me insane.

Maybe the jerk should have spent less time trying to be the next Shakespeare and refactored the code. Sheesh.

Well yeah, i could have done that too, but it seemed more fun to write a uselessly long comment for a really badly coded program that will most likely never make it onto the internet.

From my own game project:

// Picking temp disabled for being too picky.
                //if (mouseState.Buttons[0])
                   // Picking.PickEntity();

Since as of now I was unable to get my picking code to work correctly for the heck of it ^^

Well yeah, i could have done that too, but it seemed more fun to write a uselessly long comment for a really badly coded program that will most likely never make it onto the internet.

Too late! It already made it's way into the next Java standard library, and is now being used by NASA on a time-travelling space probe that will one day be launched into space, travel back in time, and crash into the Space Shuttle Challenge mid-launch. Thanks alot, mate. dry.png

Guns don't kill people. Bad code kills people. laugh.png

In college recently

// Don't try to read this. I was drunk when writting it.

The code was a mess... couldn't read it. Couldn't figure out what was going on. But it compiled and worked just fine some how.

If you look in the source of the error pages generated by some versions of IIS you'll find a comment 4k in length, with a note saying it's there because IE won't display error pages shorter than this for no sensible reason.

Now that's the funniest comment ever, a text only comment that if removed BREAKS the code :lol:

Whats a comment?

Mobile Developer at PawPrint Games ltd.

(Not "mobile" as in I move around a lot, but as in phones, mobile phone developer)

(Although I am mobile. no, not as in a babies mobile, I move from place to place)

(Not "place" as in fish, but location.)

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