My physic engine is done, but i'm still not satisfied. Physic book related.

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1 comment, last by Burnt_Fyr 9 years, 11 months ago

Hello everyone.

On and off for the last 6 month, i've worked on my 2D physic engin directly integrated in the game i'm working on.
I have gone through several iteration, each one being better and better than the last one.

The current build is "acceptable", which mean it have every features that will be in my final game, like polygonal collision detection and resolution, slopes, rotating bounding boxes, skeletal anchors and more. It is by no means perfect. I am aware of a couple bugs here and there.

But i feel i can do better, more optimized or just more robust. I've read a lot of tutorial on the web to achieve everything so far, but i think i've come to a point where i need to read a good 2d physic book to make my engin better and better.

I have done some research to find good books, but everything i find so far have 3d physic as the main focus. The few 2d book i have found don't have a lot of reviews or have somes bogus reviews.

Would you recommend a good 2d physic book?
I am looking for an advanced book.

Thank you very much for your time.


You could look into the source code of some popular 2D physics engine like Box2D.


Honestly, if you want to buy a book, go with a 3D book. Most books in 3d start with a grounding in lower dimensional stuff before extending the concepts to the third dimension, so you will get the 2D stuff you want out of it, and as a bonus, it will help you move into 3D physics easily when and if you choose. I'd also suggest looking at existing opensource phsyics solutions, to glean ideas on how to structure your code.

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