Broken Mug Engine

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24 comments, last by AntonioR 7 years, 4 months ago

I've written my own game engine called Broken Mug Engine. It is written in C++ and is based on OpenGL and SDL. I am going to post about it in this thread.

First video of my game engine shows some GUI features and font rendering. Most of the GUI layout is defined in external XML files. Two GUI themes are also defined in XML. Font rendering is based on files created using AngelCode's Bitmap Font Generator. To make the video more interesting I made a little preview of my map editor, Box2D physics and 2D model editor.



I also made a blog and written a bit more info about the GUI and font rendering there. You can check it out:

You can also find me on Facebook:


Adding some event-action magic to my engine and map editor.

This is how it looks in the editor. I am not sure if all this makes sense and how it's usually done. In this setup when players bullet hits the orange button the attached event listener starts one action which activates a particle emitter, and an action that activates motors of attached Box2D revolute joints. The yellow lines are clickable, so the connections can be deleted.


And this is in game:


Skeletal animation to ragdoll transition (powered by Box2D).


Using poly2tri to triangulate complex polygons, then using the triangles to form Box2D bodies with multiple fixtures (triangle=>fixture):


I made a little demonstration of Worms like destructible terrain made using Box2D chain loops and polygon clipping library called Clipper.

You can download it or read how it's done here:
It's the first public test of my engine, so if you encounter any problems let me know.


I made a short preview of my map editor:

- multiple layers
- adding sprites
- changing textures
- scaling and resizing (vertex and line based)
- rotating
- delete, copy, cut, paste single or multiple sprites using a selection box
- paste preview
- moving sprites in front or behind each other
- moving sprites to a different layer
- parallax scrolling
- basic Box2D bodies






If you want to try it out you can find the link on my blog. I am slowly updating the manual as I release new builds.

I uploaded a video showing five scenes with 2D ragdoll physics and some other fun stuff that can be made using Box2D and my editor.



- skeleton flipping/scaling, joint limits
- custom gravity for maps, mouse joint
- skeleton animation to ragdoll transition
- player controlled vehicles (event-action)
- removing bodies and joints in realtime - railgun
- adding joints in realtime - stakegun

You can download it if you want. There are some rendering glitches, that luckily aren't appearing in the video.



I updated my sensor class (based on Box2D sensors) that keeps track of all the bodies(or fixtures) that are colliding with it. I can override its update method to do stuff with the bodies inside it. I'm using it as a player feet sensor, line of sight, dynamic light and as shown here to apply a force/impulse.


I'm trying to remake this:



in my engine:



I made "replay" bots for target practicing...and vice versa:


I just save my input commands in a file, and during the game another player entity reads the file and uses it to control/move itself. Only aiming is "real time". It's good enough to test stuff, and I already discovered a huge physics bug with it. Hopefully it all works now.

Here are some highlights. It's usually me who gets his ass kicked, because bots are always aware of players position. Still need to add explosions and bullet impulse on hit.



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