GLSL - single texture skydome

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0 comments, last by Kaptein 9 years, 11 months ago
hi guys, I need to fake a skydome behaviour in GLSL. I have viewer position (obviously), vertex position, etc, and a single skydome texture (NOT a cubemap, single 2D texture) How can I calculate texcoord so my polygons looks like sky? thanks in advance,

You need a direction vector, same as with cube maps. Use that for spherical mapping:

vec2 coord = vec2(((atan(norm.y, norm.x) + sunAngle) / PI + 1.0) * 0.5, asin(norm.z) / PI + 0.5 );

NOTE: this will look really bad. REALLY bad.

There's a reason no one uses this. It's fine for stars at night, since no one will notice the badness.

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