2d Car Track Collision Response

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1 comment, last by jHaskell 9 years, 7 months ago


So, I am working on a 2d car game. For drivable surfaces, I was planning on using a bit map mask so I could determine if the road surface was drivable or not. However, anyone have any ideas on how to handle collisions, instead of saying cannot drive, I want to handle a collision, but I would normally need a normal of the face and then use that to bounce off of that surface. With a bit map, I just know they can't drive, how would I go about creating a normal from a bitmap?

Any thoughts?



Is it top-down, or a side-scroller racing game?

how would I go about creating a normal from a bitmap?

You could try computing a least squares line using the local 'edge' points of your bitmap. By edge points, I mean those points in the mask flagged as collidable, yet adjacent to non-collidable points. As long as your bitmap maintains fairly smooth 'edges', I would think this would yield reasonable normals to use in collision response (those normals would, of course, be perpendicular to the least squares line that was computed).

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