Animate textures

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15 comments, last by Alundra 9 years, 4 months ago
The blur could probably go over the occluding object, could it not?

You could surely use an edge-preserving gaussian blur.


So I guess I will need the depth information for that. I will look into it, thanks!

You could offset the UV coordinates for each ring a bit and just use a downscrolling texture with bands of glow. If you offest it by the right amount it should look like the glow is going from one ring to the next.

If the mesh is not a skinned mesh. And made up of frames you could add the extra ring in the main mesh place it at the ring you want to start at then in the app keep a pointer to the frame ring and move it up and down by changing it's frame matrix then you don't need the other draw call.

You could offset the UV coordinates for each ring a bit and just use a downscrolling texture with bands of glow. If you offest it by the right amount it should look like the glow is going from one ring to the next.

I think it will come down to something like this.

If the mesh is not a skinned mesh. And made up of frames you could add the extra ring in the main mesh place it at the ring you want to start at then in the app keep a pointer to the frame ring and move it up and down by changing it's frame matrix then you don't need the other draw call.

I don't really understand what you are saying here. Do you mean frames as in multiple copies of the same mesh in one vertexbuffer? You mentioning a matrix makes it look like a skinned mesh again.

I call a mesh made up of many meshes a Frame Hierarchy. And each mesh has its own matrix to position it to the root mesh.

Then what you do is find the name of the frame(the ring) and store its pointer so you can change its matrix at run time(Y only if the models up is +Y)

You will need to find its max and min movement amounts trial and error. or you could build the markers into the mesh when creating it.

I do this for the scroll bar in my UI as there made from meshes.

I call a mesh made up of many meshes a Frame Hierarchy

That's more correct to call that a SubMesh.

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