Sweet Smash, A Smashing Idea! (Feedback and Opinions please?)

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2 comments, last by Alzaris 9 years, 4 months ago

Sweet Smash is a new work in progess mobile based game that is made just for people to quickly play on the go, and it offers a unique style of play, the game is aimed at the target audience of the female gender and the age of 35 + however it offers fun for people of all ages.

The aim of the game is to simply smash the shapes and avoid the colours that it tells you to avoid however there's a twist, the game gets faster and faster and the colour that you're supposed to be avoiding changes at a frequent interval making the game more and more challenging as the shapes start to fly at you faster, and the avoidence colour changing each time. The game offers a unique challenge and required the player to multi-task by keeping track of the colour changes, but also keeping track of the shapes that need to be smashed.

the way the game works is that there is two game modes that you can chose from: Time Attack and Classic Mode.

Classic Mode:

In Classic mode the player has been given a set target of shapes they need to smash before they can level up and advance to the next level, however hit a shape you're not supposed to and it's game over! this game mode is perfect for someone who would like to invest time into their game, unlock powerups and special abilities to make their game more enjoyable, and is ideal for anyone who would like to feel accomplished.

Time Attack:

Time attack offers a different style of play for the gamer who doesn't like to play target based games, In time attack, you have to smash the shapes for as long as possible without touching the forbidden colour, and then their high score will be saved for them and they will be able to come back and hit at it trying to beat it whenever they like, this is ideal for someone who has a few minutes to spare on the train or in a line or something where they don't have much time


Above is a quick mock up of how i feel that the game should look, however this will be edited a lot more in the near future.The UI layout is pretty simple on the top left you will have the score counter, and on the top right ( to be added soon) you will have the colour that you should be avoiding.Whilst having a time counter in the middle of the screen, the shapes can fly in from anywhere on the screen and can have a maximum of 10 on the screen at one time.

Happy to recieve any feedback or questions in the comments

See you CyberSide!

~ Minarai / Alzaris


Here is the menu screen that i have drafted up, it is a mobile game when the player clicks the button it will smash and highlight into the blue ~(haven't implemented the smashing yet)aahwg5.png281y6tk.png33lh7k0.pngiempzl.jpg

I did the same thing for the difficulty screen, and the difficulty works by increasing the speed and spawn rate of the shapes..


Here's a quick proto type i made of the shapes spawnig i just used circles as place holders and will soon be adding randomly spawned shapes, and colour gen, then the avoidence mechanic :)

~ See you Cyberside

- Minarai / Alzaris

18/12/2014 - I didn't update the Logs yesterday, i was hard at it for pretty much most of the day trying to get a lot of changes and stuff done, so here's an update on how things are coming a long:

the first thing that was really bugging me about my game was that the difficulty settings wouldn't work or and wouldn't change how fast or how frequent sweets were spawning, and i kept getting error message after error message


I was really stumped and really stuck, and about 4 hours of messing around trying different methods and trying to make different things work, i finally realiesed it was all becuause i mistyped "global.difficulty" as "global.difficult" in one line of the games code.

after i got this working i took another look at the menu screen and i felt it didn't have the 80s feel to it that i was going for so the first thing i did was jump onto photoshop and fix that up.


After i had done the Title screen i decided to go all out and totally redesign the menu buttons and to fit the 80s styled theme that i am going for:

The Play Button:


The Difficulty Buttons:


How the menus now look :



I started drawing one of the sweet designs, and went for a pretty generic design


And then when i decided that i was pretty happy with the sweet look and how it felt i then decided to animate it (won't let me post gifs so check the images below)


after i had done all of this i then decided i wanted to create a mock up for me to work from so i know what i'm aiming for and this is how it turned out :


Soon as i created the mock up image of my game i then decided it's time that i started to work from this image, and the first thing i did was work on the game clock in game maker (took me quite a while if i say so myself, quite ashamed to say so )

and this is how the game currently looks:


Youtube link to some gameplay and testing videos

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