GLFW and multisampled backbuffer

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1 comment, last by satanir 9 years, 4 months ago


I'm using GLFW to initialize a window and a context. I use this to ask for a multisampled backbuffer:

glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, RequestedSampleCount);

GLFW doesn't treat this sample count as a hard constraint, so it can create a framebuffer with a different sample count.

What's the simplest way to find the actual sample count of the back-buffer? I don't think GLFW exposes it, and using WGL to find this number is OS specific.



GLFW does not expose this information, and there isn't a portable way to query it either. You are stuck with modifying GLFW to expose the information, or adding platform-specific calls.

I'm curious, what do you need the sample count for?

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I'm curious, what do you need the sample count for?

Writing an OpenGL backend for a framework we use at work. I got an FBO class there which I also want to use for the default FBO, and I need the default FBO description (formats, size, sample count). It's mainly for completness.

Guess I'll have to go the long way to get this info.

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