Is it possible to create some sort of "custom" stencil buffer?

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2 comments, last by Syntac_ 9 years, 2 months ago


For an algorithm I need to manipulate some buffer similar to stencil buffer. But I want to read/write to it in pixel shader, but it shouldn't be a render target. Ideally this buffer should have uint format (just a single uint value). Is it possible? Most of all I confused about data race - it can happen that several threads want to write at the same time or read while other threads writing.


Check the bottom of that page about unordered access buffers, seems like it would do what you want.

It seems that what I need. Thank you.

P.S.: will highly appreciate any links/tutorials beyond msdn. Quick googling gave zero result.

There's a decent amount of sample applications that use UAVs in pixel shaders in the Hieroglyph 3 source:

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