Sacrificing time: Elegance vs crude coding

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11 comments, last by dubplatecode 8 years, 10 months ago

I don't believe what you did was wrong, evil or egotistical. I believe you found a solution that needs to be refactored and while discovering complexity within your code.

I would refactor and keep it stupid simple (of course make sure you have comments for the code that doesn't speak for itself).


Did you learn anything useful in the process of writing the elegant version? If you always do the hacky/inflexible solution, that's all you'll be capable of. It's healthy to fight through a tough problem now and then. But you should choose which one by what will be the most educational to do right.

I assume you thoroughly understand your solution after that much time. Try looking at it from your former self's perspective... what could you have told him that would have helped him see what needed to be done sooner?

Keep it simple.

Figuring out a complex solution requires throwing code away, it takes longer to write elegant code, therefore its more time efficient to hack a prototype and "elegantify" after.

If the goal is a hobby project then consider what your acceptable level of elegance is vs completing the goal vs time. Sometime things take as long as they need theres no way around it but at least it gets done and move closer to the goal.

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