Fatal Chambers

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-1 comments, last by Chamberland 8 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone.
I am new here and I really hope this is the right place for this,...
I have finally finished my first game and I have it up online at itch.io.
It is titled 'fatal chambers'.
It is a skill based 2d platformer, that is very unforgiving in it's game play.
You play as a soldier investigating the destruction of a science vessel when you are taken by the very same enemy that destroyed it,but....are 'Athey' really the enemy? (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN).
I made this game as a throwback to the days when games didn't have life bars and one mistake could be what killed your character. So please, if you are interested, check it out at http://cwlouk.itch.io/fatal-chambers
Also the demo is found under my profile there. Profile name 'Chamberland', and the link is http://cwlouk.itch.io/fatal-chambers-demo.
Thank you all for taking the time to read through this long winded post and I hope to hear from you.

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