GLSL/shader Tutorials?

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6 comments, last by WhiskyJoe 8 years, 10 months ago


I want to get more into Shader programming with GLSL. 2D would be enough, but I can't find any tutorials.

Can anyone tell me where to start?

I only know . They provide some simple step by step tutorials for the GLSL built-in functions.

Is this a good start?


Any specific reason why none of those suit your needs?

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Either they are too short, start somewhere in the middle, or include more OpenGL than GLSL.

What exactly do you want to do. GLSL shaders are low-level, and most of the trouble you will have in the beginning is compiling, linking, and getting data into and out of the shader.

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I'm using my GLSL shaders in combination with the cocos2d-x engine.

I Already know how to pass data/textures into GLSL.

Now it would be great to start with some simple effects for 2D textures.

Take a look a TyphoonLabs:

Maybe that's the kind of thing you're looking for?

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
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thank you,

I'll go through their tutorial :)

It would be also great, if someone can show me a link/pdf whatever, where I learn how to create simple blur/water/glow effects. I found some ,but they are not really beginner friendly :/

Just go through it step by step, once you get to know how to make some basic shaders (and move on to some advanced stuff), you'll start to figure out how they work.

For things like blurs, you probably want to look up Post Processing effects.

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