I want to make a simple multiplayer game

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22 comments, last by timothyjlaird 8 years, 9 months ago

Alright well I just want to do something simple.. you all are telling me that I need to learn and learn and learn...


Learning and trying are all we can do to improve on our current skills. I agree with the status quo: multiplayer and simplicity should not belong in the same sentence, lol.

This shouldn't deter you! Consider this topic an exercise in establishing where you are and how you will get to your end-goal. Based on what I've read, I can surmise that you need to aim for something a lot smaller in scope first. This is an assumption but your concept feels unformed at present. Do you have a game idea? Or any idea you can start fleshing out and turning into a fully fledged design? That will seriously help focus your energies on getting from Point A (designing) to Point B (programmed, finished product). If you know precisely what you're building then you'll know what to study/learn/work on with increasing accuracy.

Hope this helps.

In your first post in the topic, you write you cannot figure out how multi-player works.
If multi-player was truly simple, you would not have such problems, would you?
It would be solved in a few hours, coded in afew more, and you'd be done.

Unfortunately, things that look simple are sometimes not simple at all when you start thinking about it in detail.

Ever seen an artist that makes wooden sculptures with a chain saw? It looks like such a simple problem when you see him working on it, the shape just flows out of the wood. How difficult can it be?
However, I am quite sure I would not get anywhere if I would try it.

It's the professionalism of the artist that makes the difference.

Problems in computers are sometimes like that. You got tricked by the seemingly ease to do multi-player that other games do.
I got tricked with type-checking, and it took me 10 years to realize I would need a longer time than my life lasts. I hope you take less time to realize that looks can be deceiving smile.png

Alright well I just want to do something simple.. you all are telling me that I need to learn and learn and learn...

The only way to stay useful as a programmer is to learn, learn, learn as you say. The tech is always changing...new languages, new APIs/toolkits, new ways of doing things. Its a fast moving target. Having the aptitude and motivation to learn is vital.

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