Simple 2D collision detection for a platform game (easiest solution possible using tile engine)

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28 comments, last by zuhane 8 years, 4 months ago

What I usually do is:

const float stepValue = 0.5f;

for (float i=0.0f, step=absf(velocity.x)/stepValue; i<step; i+= stepValue) {
    bool collisionNotOcccured = someLogicToCheckCollision();
    if (collisionNotOccured)
       position.x += stepValue;

This way, no matter how distance the object need to be moving in a single frame, it will always being blocked by the collision. In the other words, the object's position is being checked every stepValue (0.5f). Your problem is, when your object is moving a long distance in a single frame, or fast (bullet). The object's position may skips some tile collision checking. Imagine that you are having tileWidth 32.0f, but your bullet is moving 40.0f per frame, it will obviously skip the collision checking for that specific tile that supposes to blocked the bullet.


Right, so I've been doing some serious research into this subject and I've come across this:

I'd imagine that this seems to be occurring due to the size of the bullets. The mac shoots bullets that are 3x3 pixels in size, so it seems that

due to the slightly randomized Y velocity each bullet is given as it is created, some of them just clip through the floor. I've found that if I preference

the Y penetration over X penetration in my code, it takes preference of collision with corners. In other words, the lines:

penetration.X = (collisionRectangle.Width / 2) + (currentTile.Rectangle.Width / 2) - Math.Abs(detection.X);
penetration.Y = (collisionRectangle.Height / 2) + (currentTile.Rectangle.Height / 2) - Math.Abs(detection.Y);

can have a slight change here:

penetration.Y = (collisionRectangle.Height / 2) + (currentTile.Rectangle.Height / 2) - Math.Abs(detection.Y) - 5;

causing the Y penetration to take slight preference over the X penetration. This means that when the player rolls up a wall, he no longer has a weird clipping

issue with corners, and automatically pulls himself onto ledges if there's a 5-pixel gap involved, shown here:

This also creates a larger margin to check for collisions with the top or bottom of a tile, meaning that with this in play, bullets no longer fall through the floor or

fly up through the ceiling. However, clipping is now more likely to occur with left and right collisions:

Now, this is interesting, as the exact inverse can also apply. If I change the other line of code to:

penetration.X = (collisionRectangle.Width / 2) + (currentTile.Rectangle.Width / 2) - Math.Abs(detection.X) - 5;

Then the X penetration now has a bias over the Y penetration, meaning that if an object is at the corner of a block, it preferences moving to the left or right (whichever is nearest) and drags from the top or bottom, shown here:

Also, with this in place, bullets now never clip through the right or left parts of a wall, but fall through the ground/ceiling much more often:


I'd also just like to mention something else. I'm almost certain that using contact lists won't actually help fix the problem at all. This is because the right/left checkers

of the wall ONLY affect the object's x-axis, and the top and bottom ONLY affect the y-axis, so touching multiple tiles at once should not cause any sort of conflict of interest.

I think the problem seems to be the bullet-through-paper issue that was mentioned earlier. I've tested a few things, and I've noticed that bigger objects are allowed to move

faster without clipping through walls, and smaller objects are not allowed to move as quickly, since they have more chance of completely skipping through a tile and never

performing a collision check in the first place.

My friends and I are currently trying to crack this problem, and we'd like to try a method which prevents bullet-through-paper issues. Bearing in mind that we're really not

professionals by any standard, could you guys possibly recommend some kind of tutorial or simple solution to this problem? I looked at your code, pluspingya, but I don't really understand what it does.

I was thinking of possibly storing the previous positions of all objects in a buffer, then checking to see if there's a tile in-between the current iteration and past iteration on every update, but would this be CPU-intensive? Is there a more graceful solution? Look forward to your replies!

If it is the bullet through paper problem then you could try not using paper, but the best solution is continuous detection. Are you using any kind of broad-phase test?

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

I'm not using broad-phase as far as I'm aware. It seems that even large objects can clip through if they're moving fast enough though. Is it

speculative contacts that fixes this problem? I've tried googling it, but the results seem way too daunting and beyond my level of programming.

A broad phase test is a cheap collision test or method of organization that discards obvious misses before running more expensive tests. You expressed concern about performance costs related to continuous detection (the storing the previous position thing). Incidentally, rather than having some external buffer somewhere, you could just hold the previous position in the object itself. If your stages are very large at all then you'll probably want some kind of broad phase in any case.

Fortunately in 2D tile-based games you can implement broad phase tests quite easily.

You just create a rect that encloses the entity at its previous and current positions, then you only have to test against tiles that intersect that rect.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

My 1st thought for your problem was that it was the bullet through paper, but you had said:

I'd just like to point out that the velocity isn't causing the problem. I've done some reading around the subject on how objects moving

at a high velocity can pass through the tiles without ever getting to perform a check, but this is happening with objects moving at a

capped velocity, so it's not an issue to do with speed. I'll add this in later though!

So, I assumed you had already looked at the issue, and thus I didn't bring it up as a possibility. The wildbunny link from Khatharr is a good one. Of course, if I were writing a platformer, I'd be using a 2d physics library (chipmunk-physics, box2d, etc.) and not trying to handle all the physics myself, but it's can be fun writing the physics code yourself.

Good luck!

My Gamedev Journal: 2D Game Making, the Easy Way

---(Old Blog, still has good info): 2dGameMaking
"No one ever posts on that message board; it's too crowded." - Yoga Berra (sorta)

Is it a good idea to mix broad-phase with spatial hashing? I already implemented spatial hashing as I wanted to have large

levels available. Could I, in theory, check through a spatial hasher, then reduce checks even further with a broad-phase collision test?

would broad-phase essentially replace my current loops which check each spatial hash table?

I'm tempted to do this if you think it can solve the clipping issues that I'm having.

And to BeerNutts: I have actually put in velocity caps, but I'd imagine that certain objects are just so small that a velocity cap still doesn't account

for the sheer tiny size of the object, so I wasn't too clear about that! I didn't think it was velocity-related, but since bigger objects can move faster

without clipping, I'm beginning to think it is. I might as well add this in if it allows me to have fast-moving objects all over the screen.

I considered using a library before, but many people have said that they're very difficult to come to terms with, and would probably be extremely overkill

for a game that barely uses any physics :)

A spatial hash is effective as a broad phase.

This doesn't solve your clipping problem though. This is to manage collision performance, since you expressed concerns about that.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

I considered using a library before, but many people have said that they're very difficult to come to terms with, and would probably be extremely overkill
for a game that barely uses any physics

Well, I'd disagree with them, but that doesn't mean I'm right :) IMO, any game that uses movements and collisions and any kind of collision responses should use a physics library as it makes moving, collision detection, and collision response VERY SIMPLE. there is some learning curve, but IMO it's worth it.

Anyway, I know it's probably too late in your game for this, but, maybe for future reference, take a quick look at my old blog in my signature (start form old posts), it details making a top-down 2d game using a 2d physics library (chipmunk-physics).

Good luck, and have fun.

My Gamedev Journal: 2D Game Making, the Easy Way

---(Old Blog, still has good info): 2dGameMaking
"No one ever posts on that message board; it's too crowded." - Yoga Berra (sorta)

Ah yes, I'll definitely consider implementing some kind of library. I do, however, just want to know if there's any solution

regarding bullet-through-paper problems. I believe I'll try something similar to broad-phase by storing a buffer of previous positions

of objects and seeing if anything intersects the current positions with the previous buffer positions. I'll post if I find any new developments,

as people reading this may gain something from it!

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