Interior tesselation factor

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1 comment, last by Nik02 8 years, 3 months ago

I am new to community and currently I am working on directx11 on tessellation i have a question on interior tessellation i can understand edge tessellation factor but i can't understand interior tessellation factor i searched on internet and referred other sources but i am not able to understand

can someone explain me with pictures or with clear explanation because my indie project requires this feature please help.

The density of the tessellated geometry can be different between the center and the edges of the primitive. The internal tessellation factor simply represents the desired tessellation facto on the center, independent of the edges.

In practice, the inner factor is often set as the average of the edge factors, in order to achieve somewhat linear density change across tessellated primitives. However, for some special use cases, it is good that you can specify the inner factor independently from the edges.

Niko Suni

Also, why do you require it if you didn't know what it was for? :D

Niko Suni

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