[Unity] Physic Based Animation

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1 comment, last by Volvary 7 years, 8 months ago

Hey everyone, Volvary here with another question again.

Ever since Ludum Dare 35, Shapeshifter, I've had an idea for a game that I haven't started yet simply because I wasn't sure how to do it. The game had for name Blecky, for the main character was a ball of Oobleck. (The non-newtonian fluid composed of water and corn starch)

The main mechanic of the game would be the properties of Oobleck, where the faster you were hit, the harder it would hit. If you passed under a slowly spinning propeller, you would scatter under it, reforming into a blob after you had head room. But should that propeller go faster, you could potentially get flung or shattered by the blades.

My problem with this situation is the animations of Blecky. Since you would encounter all sorts of physics collision, I would need to able to reshape Blecky according to his current environment. But since I know very little about animation (and most noticeably the names related to stuff), I have no idea where to search for how to do it.

Any of you could point me in the right direction? I would be working on Unity more than likely.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, those who don't and those who didn't expect this to be in tertiary.


Sounds like you might need to go a code route. Personally, I would use multiple spheres, that are connected with Spring Joints.


Then use Physics.IgnoreCollision to prevent them from messing with each other.


Then I'd connect the oobleck spheres with half hour glass shapes between each other, that resize and/or dissapear based on the size/distance of the ooblecks.

finally, I'd either work on writing the code for this, or purchasing an asset that can slice up models. I.e. oobleck through a fan. Though your still going to have work remerging/melting the oobleck in other ways.

*UPDATE*, I found this: I imagine you may be able to bend the code to get more of what you need, or use it as a base to rewrite your own.

Check out this: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=MetaBalls (source shown)


Moltar - "Do you even know how to use that?"

Space Ghost - “Moltar, I have a giant brain that is able to reduce any complex machine into a simple yes or no answer."

Dan - "Best Description of AI ever."

The character being multiple elements would make sense and would simplify the physics calculation. I could even hook the player's death (getting scattered) to the joints actually popping.

I'll also look into that MetaBalls script and see if I can't adapt that. I'll probably be back tomorrow with an answer.

EDIT: Glancing over the MetaBalls thing, I don't think I would be able to adapt it for my need as it looks to be extremely heavy on memory and might slow down the game.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, those who don't and those who didn't expect this to be in tertiary.

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